Sunday, March 23, 2008

Heard any Good Oyster Jokes Lately?

I have been chatting with an old friend of mine when we suddenly got bored and our boredom lead us to this corny oyster joke that we came up with:
A gulf oyster came rushing in the emergency room of the hospital and wasn't looking too good. An oyster specialist then rushed to the very pale oyster and then told the sick oyster, "Oh my God! You have real clammy skin!"
Hahaha! Did you get the joke? Clammy skin? You see what the oyster specialist meant is that the oyster had a cool, moist, and pale skin (which meant that the oyster is about to go into shock) but then it's ironic that the specialist would say that when the oyster was a bivalved mollusk too! It's a bit corny, I know, but eating gulf oysters without sufficient knowledge of it's dangers is no joke! Eating oysters without proper knowledge can be dangerous.

We all love to eat gulf oysters, like who doesn't? But if you're an at-risk consumer (if you have cancer, liver disease, stomach disorders, etc) of oysters then you could suffer gastroenteritis and primary septicemia which is very uncomfortable mind you and is of no laughing matter.

I know that all of these may sound difficult to digest (excuse me for the pun) but it is better to be a well informed consumer than a uninformed suffering one.

Want to learn more about oysters and the many ways to enjoy them? Just visit the Be Oyster Aware website for more interesting oyster facts and recipes! Prevent the suffering and learn how to enjoy oysters more!

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