A peek into the deranged mind of a 30-something guy as he lives his life as a Registered Nurse and as a Filipino-Canadian.
Monday, December 6, 2004
Hatol ng Guhit na Bilog ending
Thank you guys for watching the play! It has finally ended last friday, December 5, 2004. Well the play was a success and the people did have a good laugh. I just wonder if they found out what the message of the play was: social change. I don't want to say more because Brecthian plays and novels really encourages people to think and you really have to see between the lines because the real meaning is really hidden. You will really appreciate Brecht once you know what I'm saying. Research research!
It's such a shame that my website is infected by a virus! So never mind going to this site. It's such a shame because this site is all about Social Action Program. SAP is a program by my school Xavier University High School to help form it's students to be men and women for others. Well I'll just make another one if I have time.
Physics and School Life
I hate physics! I don't know why but I feel that physics is not made for me! It's not really hard but my teacher is just impossible!!! I don't know if she just really want to see her students fail and all. It really is sad because physics is already hard and then she makes it harder. She wants her students to go to remedial sessions fine... but please be reminded that the remedial and class sessions are two seperate things. She brings her remedial lessons and happenings to class and I can't relate because I haven't join in the remedial. She is so assuming that we already know because she talked about it already at the remedial session. I'll show her that I can learn even if she tries so hard to fail me!!!
School life as usual is boring and tiring... Lot's of assignments, quizzes, and impossible teachers! I can't wait to graduate! Where is my life? Where is my teenage life that is suppose to be filled with fun and happiness!? I feel that I'm a stressed-out 50 year old man! I so hate school! I used to love it but now I'm so full of it! College here I come! I wouldn't stay for a single second once I graduate! I'll burn all my books and everything to forget this horrible life! grrr!
But ya fine. High school is not that bad. I met new people: friends, enemies, crushes?! hahaha! There are thins that I'll be remembering... my GOOD teachers, friends, Social Action Program, Hatol ng Guhit na Bilog, and the happy memories.
Well, that's all for now.
School life as usual is boring and tiring... Lot's of assignments, quizzes, and impossible teachers! I can't wait to graduate! Where is my life? Where is my teenage life that is suppose to be filled with fun and happiness!? I feel that I'm a stressed-out 50 year old man! I so hate school! I used to love it but now I'm so full of it! College here I come! I wouldn't stay for a single second once I graduate! I'll burn all my books and everything to forget this horrible life! grrr!
But ya fine. High school is not that bad. I met new people: friends, enemies, crushes?! hahaha! There are thins that I'll be remembering... my GOOD teachers, friends, Social Action Program, Hatol ng Guhit na Bilog, and the happy memories.
Well, that's all for now.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Is it right to take someone's elses Life?
Is it right to take someone's elses Life?
Of course not!!! We had this debate this noon at our English period. Is it justifiable for George to take away Lennie's life? The point of the other side, they said it was justifiable, is that Lennie is retarded and is a hindrance to George's dreams and Lennie killed someone(out of accident because Lennie is autistic). They said that if George and Lennie ran away from the angry mob out to kill and torture Lennie, they would still repeat the same process over and over again. Besides if Lennie is caught he will suffer more unlike if George shot Lennie on the back of the head and everything would end with out pain.
My side is, hell no! It's not justifiable even if George only commited a so called "mercy killing" because he doesn't want Lennie to be hurt and because he loves Lennie... Love? Does love mean killing? If I love someone and I don't want this someone to be hurt or affected by the outside negative forces I should just kill him/her to protect her? George could have just ran away to save Lennie from the angry mob. If Lennie do have to answer to the crime he commited not out of his free will then he has absolutely no right to place the law in his hands. Just send Lennie to the authorities so that they would be able to protect Lennie and they will understand that Lennie is mentally handicapped!
Life is precious, it is a gift from God, and no one has any right to take this gift away from someone. No one has the right to decide who will live and who will die. There are a lot of choices and possibilities that can happen. Killing can never be justifiable!
Death Penalty
Here is a thread of replies that I've received when I posted this. But my view about Death Penalty. Read the last reply...
DEATH PENALTY -> Death Penalty-A Must
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TOPIC: Death Penalty-A Must
Posted By: VincentbPosted On: Aug 1, 2003Views: 137
Death Penalty-A Must
Morality... is just to simple to say that... But if your love one was murdered or rape, we cry out for JUSTICE!"WE KILL PEOPLE TO SHOW PEOPLE THAT KILLING IS WRONG!" just like "SPARE THE ROD AND SPOIL THE CHILD."Even if we don't stop murderers at least we get to trim the bad part of the tree!They deserve it! An eye for an eye! Now that's what I call JUSTICE!Comments?
Posted By: ScoobyPosted On: Aug 6, 2003Views: 134
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
An eye for an eye? How about a rape for a rape? Should we rape rapists? Should we burn down arsonists' houses? You people are sick.
Posted By: vincentbPosted On: Aug 8, 2003Views: 131
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
Excuse me!!!! Please! Some common sense please! Who in hell would do that! Duh? I mean that we should do this to lessen the number or at least stop by negative enforcement possible killers in the future!We kill people to stop people from killing other people! Please, some reflection would do in this topic!!!
Posted By: KristenPosted On: Sep 2, 2003Views: 127
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
Unfortunately, this topic is laced with emotions and it's impossible to respond without upsetting someone. I will say however that none of us are God and none of us have the right to impose what we perceive to be "justice". My prayers are with every family that has lost someone to murder. I still do not support the death penalty. Kristen
Posted By: trixey_01Posted On: Dec 9, 2003Views: 106
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
if someone is dumb enough to go and kill someone then they deserve to die. they took someone elses life and they deserve the same.
Posted By: joshPosted On: Dec 10, 2003Views: 104
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
If someone kills and is sentenced to the death penalty they got what they diserve. How dare they have the gall to take the life away from an innonce person and think the same won't happen to them. It's like the man who killed the man who killed John Kennedy.
Posted By: kimPosted On: Dec 12, 2003Views: 102
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
Anyone who has used malicious intent to take the life of another human being ABSOLUTELY deserves to die. If you are against the death penalty, imagine your mother or sister, or child murdered...would it bring you closure to know that the murderer was sitting on death row, participating in some of the things that you're loved one used to be able to do... watching TV, eating, exercising, having access to books and visits from family...I think it's sick to think that my tax dollars are helping support criminals that have no redeeming qualities, and who are essentially a waste of space on this earth. To disregard respect for someone else's life is a heinous and grievous crime, and should be dealt with as such.
Posted By: vincentbPosted On: Dec 25, 2003Views: 98
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
Yes... Although eye for an eye is generally bad, BUT there are times when heavy punishments should be followed because it's like punishing a child, it's for their own good and so that they won't do it again.But take note, eye for an eye IS BAD! As a statement goes... If we take an eye for an eye then we'll all be blind. BUT, and again... BUT this is a different case. Hey, there are a few exceptions to every rule you know. And this one, giving JUSTICE to the INNOCENT victim, is a very good exemption.
Posted By: evilone_11Posted On: Feb 4, 2004Views: 87
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
kim, i have to agree with what you said totally and completely. Everyone is so quick to judge, but has no real idea as to what the hell they are even talking about. Also the death penality doesn't just have to do with the murderers, but also the rapists and just all around people who have done crimes that noone would even remotely think of doing. Which in turn they deserve to die anyway. No one really has the right to judge so why not just skip all of that and save us some tax dollars and do like texas and put in an express lane!!!lol. DEATH PENALTY STAYS!;)
Posted By: vincentbPosted On: Feb 22, 2004Views: 80
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
I totally agree with all of you! A person who kills, rapes, and does any mortal sin that could affect others can be forgiven by GOD... but they can never escape the LAW!
Posted By: Not givinPosted On: Apr 27, 2004Views: 65
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
If someone kills someone and is let out of jail the chance is great that they will kill again. Therefore taking and innocent life. If the killer had been put to death then he/she would not have been able to kill again. The death penalty is a must to keep everyone safe and give the murderer justice for the murder he/she committed.
Posted By: PinkeyedFlightPosted On: May 10, 2004Views: 59
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
The death sentence has not shown to deter crime rates. As has already been discussed (the "eye for an eye" argument), many view the death penalty as a form of retribution; a way to achieve the vengeance on a non-personal crime committed that they (the public) so desperately crave. What is it that makes Americans experience this appetite? It may be that the public's perception of a murderer in the abstract sense is vastly different than that of the real world. When asked if they support the death penalty, most automatically envision a vicious, almost-inhuman entity that has performed multiple premeditated rape/murders on little children. This is not the case with most people who commit homicide. In reality, "most homicides occur as an unplanned act during the commission of a robbery or other felony (Albanese 391)." When faced with the idea of sentencing a repenting human to death, the public opinion often changes, and society becomes sympathetic with the person being executed.Even if one were to think of the death penalty as a just form of retribution, the current practices are nowhere near as effective as the pro-capital punishment advocate's ideal reality. From 1973 to 1994, 5,280 people had been sentenced to death, and 2,890 of those people were still awaiting execution by December 31, 1994. Furthermore, only 257 of these people were actually executed. 125 of the offenders died during their waiting period, 1,851 had their conviction overturned (proving that accidental convictions occur very often), 128 had their sentence commuted, and 29 were listed under "other removals" by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (Bedau 72-73). To further break down the numbers, Hugo Adam Bedau has compiled the following list to more easily envision how ineffective the current capital punishment policies are: "One person is executed each year for every 1,000 criminal homicides. One person is executed each year for every 700 arrested for criminal homicide. One person is executed each year for every 450 convicted of criminal homicide. One person is executed each year for every 100 on death row. One person exits death row each year by execution for every 10 who are admitted to death row (Bedau 32)."It is plain to see that the death penalty as it stands is highly ineffective. Furthermore, if all the appeals and reviews, which cause this inefficiency, were to be abolished, there would be the risk of executing the 1,851 people who had their conviction overturned from 1973 to 1994. The only solution may be to abolish the death penalty completely and opt for a more efficient approach of incarceration. As had been discussed earlier, public polls in which people were given the choice of either the death penalty or a life sentence with parole available only after 25 years, the majority chose the life sentence.
Posted By: barbaraPosted On: 9 days agoViews: 5
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
I belive the death penalty should be abolished!!! As for the saying WE kill people to show killing people is wrong it is totally hypicritical!!! I liked this entry by "Topace 3"Posted By: Topace 3Posted On: Mar 4, 2004Views: 39What's the difference...------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------...between placing ppl in jail for fifty ties their lifetime or killing them? To me, the only real point in killing eople would be to satisfy our sadistic lust for revenge. How then are we not murderers? Yes, if I lost someone I love to a murderer, I'd mourn my ass off. And yes, I would probably change my opinion on death penalties, maybe I'd even try to kill the guy myself, but that would be due to a personality too weak to do the right thing and move on (with the murderer put in jail, of course). In fact, people are often disturbingly evil. It will be many generations, I think, until mankind can put of this childish lust for revenge.
Posted By: vincentbPosted On: 0 sec. Views: 1
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
I posted this topic last August 1, 2003 while I was researching for facts and ideas if Death Penalty is really needed or not. Many sites show that Death Penalty does not for a fact deter these murders, rape, and other crimes that death penalty is imposed. I said that I agreed on this death penalty thing. Now, I'm having second thoughts. We really don't have the right to take anyone's life. Taking that person's life won't replace the life taken by this suspect. But there must be ways to prevent this person from commiting other similar crimes. I've realized that life is indeed very precious and we have absolutely no right to take another person's life. Maybe I was speaking out of hate when I posted that, I don't know. I just want everyone to know that I take it all back. Life is something given by God. This cycle will just continue even if we try to intervene with these with deterants of crimes such as death penalty. it will be so bizarre to counter hate crimes with hate. We should also look into ourselves, our society, why do these crimes happen in the first place? Let us start to the root of every crime, ourselves. We may have participated in the cycle of hate that have moved these people to the extent of killing. Let us first look deep inside our consciences before doing anything or see its nature-is it morally evil or good? As a conclusion, taking someone other's life isn't right! i've finally realized this and my perspective has changed. This is trully a proof of the theory of conscience formation.
DEATH PENALTY -> Death Penalty-A Must
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TOPIC: Death Penalty-A Must
Posted By: VincentbPosted On: Aug 1, 2003Views: 137
Death Penalty-A Must
Morality... is just to simple to say that... But if your love one was murdered or rape, we cry out for JUSTICE!"WE KILL PEOPLE TO SHOW PEOPLE THAT KILLING IS WRONG!" just like "SPARE THE ROD AND SPOIL THE CHILD."Even if we don't stop murderers at least we get to trim the bad part of the tree!They deserve it! An eye for an eye! Now that's what I call JUSTICE!Comments?
Posted By: ScoobyPosted On: Aug 6, 2003Views: 134
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
An eye for an eye? How about a rape for a rape? Should we rape rapists? Should we burn down arsonists' houses? You people are sick.
Posted By: vincentbPosted On: Aug 8, 2003Views: 131
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
Excuse me!!!! Please! Some common sense please! Who in hell would do that! Duh? I mean that we should do this to lessen the number or at least stop by negative enforcement possible killers in the future!We kill people to stop people from killing other people! Please, some reflection would do in this topic!!!
Posted By: KristenPosted On: Sep 2, 2003Views: 127
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
Unfortunately, this topic is laced with emotions and it's impossible to respond without upsetting someone. I will say however that none of us are God and none of us have the right to impose what we perceive to be "justice". My prayers are with every family that has lost someone to murder. I still do not support the death penalty. Kristen
Posted By: trixey_01Posted On: Dec 9, 2003Views: 106
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
if someone is dumb enough to go and kill someone then they deserve to die. they took someone elses life and they deserve the same.
Posted By: joshPosted On: Dec 10, 2003Views: 104
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
If someone kills and is sentenced to the death penalty they got what they diserve. How dare they have the gall to take the life away from an innonce person and think the same won't happen to them. It's like the man who killed the man who killed John Kennedy.
Posted By: kimPosted On: Dec 12, 2003Views: 102
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
Anyone who has used malicious intent to take the life of another human being ABSOLUTELY deserves to die. If you are against the death penalty, imagine your mother or sister, or child murdered...would it bring you closure to know that the murderer was sitting on death row, participating in some of the things that you're loved one used to be able to do... watching TV, eating, exercising, having access to books and visits from family...I think it's sick to think that my tax dollars are helping support criminals that have no redeeming qualities, and who are essentially a waste of space on this earth. To disregard respect for someone else's life is a heinous and grievous crime, and should be dealt with as such.
Posted By: vincentbPosted On: Dec 25, 2003Views: 98
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
Yes... Although eye for an eye is generally bad, BUT there are times when heavy punishments should be followed because it's like punishing a child, it's for their own good and so that they won't do it again.But take note, eye for an eye IS BAD! As a statement goes... If we take an eye for an eye then we'll all be blind. BUT, and again... BUT this is a different case. Hey, there are a few exceptions to every rule you know. And this one, giving JUSTICE to the INNOCENT victim, is a very good exemption.
Posted By: evilone_11Posted On: Feb 4, 2004Views: 87
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
kim, i have to agree with what you said totally and completely. Everyone is so quick to judge, but has no real idea as to what the hell they are even talking about. Also the death penality doesn't just have to do with the murderers, but also the rapists and just all around people who have done crimes that noone would even remotely think of doing. Which in turn they deserve to die anyway. No one really has the right to judge so why not just skip all of that and save us some tax dollars and do like texas and put in an express lane!!!lol. DEATH PENALTY STAYS!;)
Posted By: vincentbPosted On: Feb 22, 2004Views: 80
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
I totally agree with all of you! A person who kills, rapes, and does any mortal sin that could affect others can be forgiven by GOD... but they can never escape the LAW!
Posted By: Not givinPosted On: Apr 27, 2004Views: 65
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
If someone kills someone and is let out of jail the chance is great that they will kill again. Therefore taking and innocent life. If the killer had been put to death then he/she would not have been able to kill again. The death penalty is a must to keep everyone safe and give the murderer justice for the murder he/she committed.
Posted By: PinkeyedFlightPosted On: May 10, 2004Views: 59
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
The death sentence has not shown to deter crime rates. As has already been discussed (the "eye for an eye" argument), many view the death penalty as a form of retribution; a way to achieve the vengeance on a non-personal crime committed that they (the public) so desperately crave. What is it that makes Americans experience this appetite? It may be that the public's perception of a murderer in the abstract sense is vastly different than that of the real world. When asked if they support the death penalty, most automatically envision a vicious, almost-inhuman entity that has performed multiple premeditated rape/murders on little children. This is not the case with most people who commit homicide. In reality, "most homicides occur as an unplanned act during the commission of a robbery or other felony (Albanese 391)." When faced with the idea of sentencing a repenting human to death, the public opinion often changes, and society becomes sympathetic with the person being executed.Even if one were to think of the death penalty as a just form of retribution, the current practices are nowhere near as effective as the pro-capital punishment advocate's ideal reality. From 1973 to 1994, 5,280 people had been sentenced to death, and 2,890 of those people were still awaiting execution by December 31, 1994. Furthermore, only 257 of these people were actually executed. 125 of the offenders died during their waiting period, 1,851 had their conviction overturned (proving that accidental convictions occur very often), 128 had their sentence commuted, and 29 were listed under "other removals" by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (Bedau 72-73). To further break down the numbers, Hugo Adam Bedau has compiled the following list to more easily envision how ineffective the current capital punishment policies are: "One person is executed each year for every 1,000 criminal homicides. One person is executed each year for every 700 arrested for criminal homicide. One person is executed each year for every 450 convicted of criminal homicide. One person is executed each year for every 100 on death row. One person exits death row each year by execution for every 10 who are admitted to death row (Bedau 32)."It is plain to see that the death penalty as it stands is highly ineffective. Furthermore, if all the appeals and reviews, which cause this inefficiency, were to be abolished, there would be the risk of executing the 1,851 people who had their conviction overturned from 1973 to 1994. The only solution may be to abolish the death penalty completely and opt for a more efficient approach of incarceration. As had been discussed earlier, public polls in which people were given the choice of either the death penalty or a life sentence with parole available only after 25 years, the majority chose the life sentence.
Posted By: barbaraPosted On: 9 days agoViews: 5
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
I belive the death penalty should be abolished!!! As for the saying WE kill people to show killing people is wrong it is totally hypicritical!!! I liked this entry by "Topace 3"Posted By: Topace 3Posted On: Mar 4, 2004Views: 39What's the difference...------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------...between placing ppl in jail for fifty ties their lifetime or killing them? To me, the only real point in killing eople would be to satisfy our sadistic lust for revenge. How then are we not murderers? Yes, if I lost someone I love to a murderer, I'd mourn my ass off. And yes, I would probably change my opinion on death penalties, maybe I'd even try to kill the guy myself, but that would be due to a personality too weak to do the right thing and move on (with the murderer put in jail, of course). In fact, people are often disturbingly evil. It will be many generations, I think, until mankind can put of this childish lust for revenge.
Posted By: vincentbPosted On: 0 sec. Views: 1
RE: Death Penalty-A Must
I posted this topic last August 1, 2003 while I was researching for facts and ideas if Death Penalty is really needed or not. Many sites show that Death Penalty does not for a fact deter these murders, rape, and other crimes that death penalty is imposed. I said that I agreed on this death penalty thing. Now, I'm having second thoughts. We really don't have the right to take anyone's life. Taking that person's life won't replace the life taken by this suspect. But there must be ways to prevent this person from commiting other similar crimes. I've realized that life is indeed very precious and we have absolutely no right to take another person's life. Maybe I was speaking out of hate when I posted that, I don't know. I just want everyone to know that I take it all back. Life is something given by God. This cycle will just continue even if we try to intervene with these with deterants of crimes such as death penalty. it will be so bizarre to counter hate crimes with hate. We should also look into ourselves, our society, why do these crimes happen in the first place? Let us start to the root of every crime, ourselves. We may have participated in the cycle of hate that have moved these people to the extent of killing. Let us first look deep inside our consciences before doing anything or see its nature-is it morally evil or good? As a conclusion, taking someone other's life isn't right! i've finally realized this and my perspective has changed. This is trully a proof of the theory of conscience formation.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
"Hatol ng Guhit na Bilog" by Bertolt Brecht
Vincent Bautista
Hi everyone! Invite you to watch our school play the Hatol ng Guhit ng Bilog, a translated version of Bertolt Brecht's The Caucassian Chalk Circle. I'm part of the cast! Yipee! But I just play the minor roles, buhuhu. But there are no small roles, just small actors... yeah right! But I still love acting! I feel that it's in my blood. I also love to sing. I have a dream that someday I will be a star! Not literaly ok?! People if you know me or not, visit Xavier University High School on December 1-3, 2004 and watch our play! It's really great, our director is great! Love the play. I'm really challenged by my role though, won't tell you hehehe. Just watch it ok? i beg you!
Hi everyone! Invite you to watch our school play the Hatol ng Guhit ng Bilog, a translated version of Bertolt Brecht's The Caucassian Chalk Circle. I'm part of the cast! Yipee! But I just play the minor roles, buhuhu. But there are no small roles, just small actors... yeah right! But I still love acting! I feel that it's in my blood. I also love to sing. I have a dream that someday I will be a star! Not literaly ok?! People if you know me or not, visit Xavier University High School on December 1-3, 2004 and watch our play! It's really great, our director is great! Love the play. I'm really challenged by my role though, won't tell you hehehe. Just watch it ok? i beg you!
Sunday, October 24, 2004
I just love Ragnarok. I love the anime, I love the game. I haven't played online though coz we don't have internet in the "Bukid." But I was just able to play the "offline." Well, it's still cool. I like it because you can really put your self in that character, meet people, and just have fun in your own adventure! I love it I love it and that's all for now, hahaha! I'm simply crazy.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Exams!!! Physics!
Oh my gosh! It's already the Second Quarter Exams! Days do pass by so fast! It won't be long, graduation ko na from my high school (thank God!)! I'm really having a hard time in Physics! It's the first time I ever got grades these low! But they're not failing, that's what's important! I hate my self for not being able to understand the torture that is physics! Physics is quite interesting but I really need to be more enlightened. More enlightened than Buddha when it comes to the great mystery which is Physics!!! Everyone who loves me, please pray for me! I have to study very hard! I sleep at 7-9 pm then wake up at around 10 pm and study until 3 am! It's a good thing there's Nescafe Choco Java Coffee to keep me going! All the way to the top! (Yikes, it sounds like an advertisement! Lots of laugh...). Well anyway, I have to go and live my stupid life! Bye!
Monday, October 11, 2004
My New Website!!!
Hi people! I would like you all to visit my new website! Visit http://www.koolpages.com/vincentb88 ! It's really so cool! I won't say more just see it for your self and be amazes!
Friday, October 8, 2004
Ok, hi people. To those who might have not heard what friendster is: It's a website dedicated to social interaction! You meet people and all. It's kind of cool. Just try it and see for yourself what it really is. Visit www.friendster.com and if your already a member add me! vincentb88@gmail.com You won't be able to meet any people if you don't have connections. Hey I'm not doing this so I'll have many friends ha? I just want to spread the world and all. That's all, bye bye. Smile.
Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Mount Sipaka
Mount Sipaka
I can still remember the strong wind that tried to throw us off the mountain. I felt fear and thought for the worst while the shifting sands forced us to our knees and while the sand and stone blown by the wind blinded us and made us loose our way. Climbing that mountain was no easy task.
Mount Sipaka reminded me of the hardships that we encounter in life. Life is cruel, hard, and there is no easy way out. Life is unfair. I remember my life, the problems I now face with my God, my family, and with my studies. I just wanted to give up and wanted to jump off that mountain to end it all, but then I remember my foster family. How can they still live and even afford to smile? I felt envy and wished that I my self would be happy. I knew then for sure that the poverty they experience now is not a hindrance to their happiness. I then asked my self, are they really the ones who need help or our selves? My foster family did not have anything, but they were generous enough to shelter me, feed me, and welcome me as part of their family not expecting anything in return. We take pride in the material things we have but are we really happy? They too need food, clothing, and shelter but they have one thing that we don’t, true happiness. We are too proud to care and are to proud to share what we have because we think that we are better belittling them. It’s funny, it doesn’t seem that way. We are just insecure.
I did climb that mountain, but I did not climb it alone. My foster mom went with me, my friends, and my classmates. I was scared and confused but I felt safe with the people I love and care for. I remember my family and my best friend; they had always been there for me and they are the ones who make me feel important. We can’t live alone. We have to admit that it would really be lonely with out anyone to lend us a hand when we are in a tight spot, this is what our brothers and sisters living in poverty need. They need our help, our love, and our care just as we do need their love. I then realized that I was also climbing with God. He watches over me and guides me. The Stations of the Cross reminded me of his great love, the reason why he created everything. I remembered Jesus Christ and how he suffered. I suddenly felt guilty and the difficulty I felt was soon forgotten. Jesus suffered more and he suffered because of the sins of the world and my sins. God was able to give the greatest sacrifice of all, his own son for our salvation.
Reaching the top, I see the cross, and for once I see the real beauty of our world. I for that single moment forgot my problems and I thought of only one thing, the reason why God created me. There must be a reason for my life and why I must under go these trials. There must be a reason, and this is what I have to continue to find out.
I can still remember the strong wind that tried to throw us off the mountain. I felt fear and thought for the worst while the shifting sands forced us to our knees and while the sand and stone blown by the wind blinded us and made us loose our way. Climbing that mountain was no easy task.
Mount Sipaka reminded me of the hardships that we encounter in life. Life is cruel, hard, and there is no easy way out. Life is unfair. I remember my life, the problems I now face with my God, my family, and with my studies. I just wanted to give up and wanted to jump off that mountain to end it all, but then I remember my foster family. How can they still live and even afford to smile? I felt envy and wished that I my self would be happy. I knew then for sure that the poverty they experience now is not a hindrance to their happiness. I then asked my self, are they really the ones who need help or our selves? My foster family did not have anything, but they were generous enough to shelter me, feed me, and welcome me as part of their family not expecting anything in return. We take pride in the material things we have but are we really happy? They too need food, clothing, and shelter but they have one thing that we don’t, true happiness. We are too proud to care and are to proud to share what we have because we think that we are better belittling them. It’s funny, it doesn’t seem that way. We are just insecure.
I did climb that mountain, but I did not climb it alone. My foster mom went with me, my friends, and my classmates. I was scared and confused but I felt safe with the people I love and care for. I remember my family and my best friend; they had always been there for me and they are the ones who make me feel important. We can’t live alone. We have to admit that it would really be lonely with out anyone to lend us a hand when we are in a tight spot, this is what our brothers and sisters living in poverty need. They need our help, our love, and our care just as we do need their love. I then realized that I was also climbing with God. He watches over me and guides me. The Stations of the Cross reminded me of his great love, the reason why he created everything. I remembered Jesus Christ and how he suffered. I suddenly felt guilty and the difficulty I felt was soon forgotten. Jesus suffered more and he suffered because of the sins of the world and my sins. God was able to give the greatest sacrifice of all, his own son for our salvation.
Reaching the top, I see the cross, and for once I see the real beauty of our world. I for that single moment forgot my problems and I thought of only one thing, the reason why God created me. There must be a reason for my life and why I must under go these trials. There must be a reason, and this is what I have to continue to find out.
2-Campion picture!
This is my 2-Campion class. I mean classmates. I'm currently in 4th year right now, 4-Fernando. This picture was taken during the school year 2002-2003 I think. I can say that I really bloomed in academics during this period. But look at me now! I regret ever transferring sections! I am so tired of all my academics! I can't take it anymore! That's all thank you. Smile.
Vincent rules!
Vincent rules!
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Realizations about posting... And other websites...
I finally realized that I'm posting the wrong way... I so like Chenee's webpage! Grrr.... I wish I also have one, I'm so envious! This is her add: http://www.geocities.com/cheenee_otarra I think it's so cool. I'll try to make one in the future, but I'm always short in time.
Monday, September 27, 2004
SAP Immersion!
I'm so excited for this coming Saturday!!! It's finally my immersion time. For the two years that I have been a SAP volunteer, this will be the only and last time that I'll be able to live with foster families and experience how they live their day to day life. I'm also excited about the photo essay thing that we will pass. I'll make sure that my pictures are "picture perfect!" I know that Talisayan is a beautiful place. I know for a fact that I'm going to enjoy my self and nature. I love my job, not a job really. I really love helping people as a volunteer, it's the only opportunity I have to show love to the less fortunate. Well, that's all for today. I have to finish my Economics assignment!
Hear me complain and grummble!!!
I am so tired!!! I have so many assignments and projects to finish. Not to mention all of the tests that I have to take consecutively! After one period of test, the next will be another test! Aaah! I don't anymore sleep well. I have to stay awake every night. Thank God there's coffee to keep me awake. I'm really so tired. I just want to sleep as early as 7:00 pm during a school day. After the weekends, I still have to do my weekend assignments. Where will I find strength from all the stress and pain that I'm going through? I have to go through this and achieve my dreams. I will not give up! I just need to finish my 4th year then I'm off to college! Where I'm looking forward for the privilage of choosing my own class schedule. I'll really make sure that I still have time to sleep!!! I have to bear this! Yes I will!
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Do I Exist Or Live Life?
What is life by the way? Why am I alive? Is living all about the grades and the achievements? Does one’s skills define a person? Why do we always have to be classified into classes? If this is the definition of life then what’s the use of living?
I can say that I really just exist. I feel so little, useless, and unimportant. Even if I die would anyone care? The world will still continue to turn and people would still do their daily routines like nothing happened. I’m not the center of the universe anyway right? No one is. I just exist because I don’t see any use in living. I am tired to wake up each day just to see my self fail again and again. I try so hard to do things that would give meaning to my living but life spits at me and laughs at my weaknesses. It pains me to know that my best is not enough. I believed that I was born for greater things and that I have skills to do those things I want to do, but the problem is that I am not given the opportunity to show it for no one believes in me. I want to stand out and I want to shine, I don’t want to settle for the sayings that there would always be winners and losers. Life is unfair and it totally sucks. I just have to deal with it right?
I don’t care anymore that’s why I just want to live life as it is: boring and again so unfair. There is nothing in store for me anyway. If this is my destiny, then fine. I’ll just drown in my misery until death takes me away in his arms. What is in life? What is happiness? I just don’t know for I can’t equate my self to any form of happiness. I don’t want to feel the pain anymore. Life for me is just torment. I try to live life and be happy but things just don’t go that way. Maybe I was just born a loser, I just have to accept it and deal with it. I just want to sleep and never wake up. I so hate life. I just exist with out any purpose because this is all that I will ever be. I just exist. What is in life for me to live it? That’s why I just sit and stare at people because I envy them so much because they are just so happy with their lives. I just exist.
I can say that I really just exist. I feel so little, useless, and unimportant. Even if I die would anyone care? The world will still continue to turn and people would still do their daily routines like nothing happened. I’m not the center of the universe anyway right? No one is. I just exist because I don’t see any use in living. I am tired to wake up each day just to see my self fail again and again. I try so hard to do things that would give meaning to my living but life spits at me and laughs at my weaknesses. It pains me to know that my best is not enough. I believed that I was born for greater things and that I have skills to do those things I want to do, but the problem is that I am not given the opportunity to show it for no one believes in me. I want to stand out and I want to shine, I don’t want to settle for the sayings that there would always be winners and losers. Life is unfair and it totally sucks. I just have to deal with it right?
I don’t care anymore that’s why I just want to live life as it is: boring and again so unfair. There is nothing in store for me anyway. If this is my destiny, then fine. I’ll just drown in my misery until death takes me away in his arms. What is in life? What is happiness? I just don’t know for I can’t equate my self to any form of happiness. I don’t want to feel the pain anymore. Life for me is just torment. I try to live life and be happy but things just don’t go that way. Maybe I was just born a loser, I just have to accept it and deal with it. I just want to sleep and never wake up. I so hate life. I just exist with out any purpose because this is all that I will ever be. I just exist. What is in life for me to live it? That’s why I just sit and stare at people because I envy them so much because they are just so happy with their lives. I just exist.
Monday, August 16, 2004
Why Does Loving Someone Hurt? Unconditional Love?
Yehey! For the second time I have written here something about me! I'll write something longer the next time!
Okay, let's talk about love. Have you ever loved someone yet you know that that person will never really love you back? Well that is how I feel! This person that I love will be hidden under the name, Babyface. Besides, I really don't know her name. I just always see her at school during lunch time. She's so cute and so white and flawless. She really looks like a baby and that what attracted me to her. She is a goddess that had come down to heaven to make me suffer likje this. She is from 2-Brebeuf of Xavier University High School. (by the way, please visit http://www.friendster.com and be my friend, vincentb88@yahoo.com) It hurts me becuase I am madly deeply and crazily in love with this person. Imagine, I asked someone to take her picture using a friend's Nokia 7250 because I can't stand a day with out me loooking at her pic. Maybe i'll ask someone to take her picture with my digicam so that I don't have to bother and irritate my friend, Miranda everday.
Unconditional love, you love someone even if that person does not love you back. I'm really crazy... why am I so head over heels for this person? Uuurgh! Help me! Why can't you just be able to tell the person you love everything? Maybe the fear of rejection? Babyface! I sooooo love you! Aaah!
You really are so perfect... Sorry if I'm boring you okay? The next time I'll post something here I'll make sure that other people can relate. Thanks for reading. E-mail me or anything or if you ever want to add your comments or stories or what ever to this blog just tell me! vincentb88@yahoo.com
Okay, let's talk about love. Have you ever loved someone yet you know that that person will never really love you back? Well that is how I feel! This person that I love will be hidden under the name, Babyface. Besides, I really don't know her name. I just always see her at school during lunch time. She's so cute and so white and flawless. She really looks like a baby and that what attracted me to her. She is a goddess that had come down to heaven to make me suffer likje this. She is from 2-Brebeuf of Xavier University High School. (by the way, please visit http://www.friendster.com and be my friend, vincentb88@yahoo.com) It hurts me becuase I am madly deeply and crazily in love with this person. Imagine, I asked someone to take her picture using a friend's Nokia 7250 because I can't stand a day with out me loooking at her pic. Maybe i'll ask someone to take her picture with my digicam so that I don't have to bother and irritate my friend, Miranda everday.
Unconditional love, you love someone even if that person does not love you back. I'm really crazy... why am I so head over heels for this person? Uuurgh! Help me! Why can't you just be able to tell the person you love everything? Maybe the fear of rejection? Babyface! I sooooo love you! Aaah!
You really are so perfect... Sorry if I'm boring you okay? The next time I'll post something here I'll make sure that other people can relate. Thanks for reading. E-mail me or anything or if you ever want to add your comments or stories or what ever to this blog just tell me! vincentb88@yahoo.com
Sunday, August 8, 2004
My First Post!
Hello! This is pala my Blogger site that is dedicated to ME, ME, and ME! If you want to know about me, read my works, know my friends, my ENEMIES!!!! (Grrrr!!!) And etc! Hope that you would also e-mail me what you think about me and about this Blog... My e-mail add is vincentb88@yahoo.com! Hope to get some letters!!!
ATTENTION: This blogger contains only my point of views and opinions. So, please don't get mad if your name is posted here. "Bato-bato sa langit, ang tamaan huwag magalit!
ATTENTION: This blogger contains only my point of views and opinions. So, please don't get mad if your name is posted here. "Bato-bato sa langit, ang tamaan huwag magalit!
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