Saturday, September 20, 2008

I Choose Money

Call me selfish or what ever you want but I just chose the practical way. You see I was going to be hired (I passed the exams and my supervisor liked me) as a customer service representative for an advertising company. I was going to go door to door to promote a child sponsorship program.

As honorable as the cause is, I still couldn't do it even if I was qualified to do the job because I thought to my self that the pay was too low for that kind of work. I mean walking around a neighborhood and knocking on every door to get someone to sponsor a kid? And the work place is too far from home too so it was best if I didn't accepted the job.

It would have been a great job but I guess that my main priority now is to earn money for my future needs. I don't want to rely on my mom for my financial needs that much. How can I help others if I can't help myself right?

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