Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Discovering New Songs That You'll Like

So a friend of mine send me a message on Friendster (yup I have an account asking me for song recommendations. I have done this too for a time now but I've realized that I have my own unique taste in music and my preferences are not the same with my friends. So I gave my friend this advice that I think would be helpful to other song lovers out there trying so hard to find for new musical inspiration:

1. You can try searching for songs and listen to them online. You have to register first if you're not a member but trust me this site is good and that you won't regret signing up. Listening to other people's playlist can be nice as you are introduced to new songs, artists, and new styles.
2. You could also try No, it's not the stupid girl who opened the box that contains all evil and hellish. It's an internet radio service that helps you discover new artists and songs that matches your preference by analyzing and matching songs from the ones you currently like. It's sort of an online dating service that makes sure that songs that you like are matched to you.
3. Or, if you have watched any good movies lately and you liked the official sound track (OST) why not research about the song and the artist of the song. Chances are you'll discover an artist you have never heard of before and that you'll like their songs and style.
4. Watch MTV or listen to the radio! Doing so would make you updated to new songs and trends.
5. Lastly, Download/buy the songs that you like and enjoy!

But it does help if you ask your friends for endorsements... because as the old cliche goes, birds of the same feather stick together. Your friends might have the same weird taste in music like you hahaha... joke.

Exercise Attempt Foiled

After planning to jog or cycle early in the morning these past few days, it was quite amazing that I really woke up and was so determined to exercise (I need to lose some weight, Lol!). I was already preparing myself, I've already changed and all. And as I was putting on my shoes my mom asked me what I was doing.

At first I was a bit defensive because I didn't want her to know that I wanted to lose weight and told her that I just want to take a walk (a walk? 5 am in the morning? What was I thinking?! I could have lied better hehehe). But my mom was not to be fooled and she told me that it would be best if I stayed at home since there are a lot of stray dogs in the neighborhood and that I'd only catch a cold.

Even if I planned this exercise routine for so long now, I decided to take my mom's advice because I'm an obedient loving son (hahaha). Actually I realized that my mom was right. Our neighborhood is not that decent and I'm even afraid to walk around thinking that some stupid delinquents would play a trick on me or something.

So I delay my exercise plans until we move to our new condo unit in Canada. My mom tells me that it has great exercise facilities plus an indoor heated swimming pool. But should I really wait two months to lose some weight? Well, I could always just take minimal servings. Maybe that would do. But I don't plan to starve my self to death because that would be uhm, fatal?

Besides I'm not that overweight.

11 Commandments in Using the Toilet

I found this hilarious 11 Commandments in Using the Toilet (actually 12 but one rule is illegible) while browsing through our old class blogspot, Tataknerd. And I have to say, who ever made these rules sure does have a great sense of humor:

11 Commandments in Using the Toilet
  1. Lift the seat before starting.
  2. Caution! All women place seat in proper position before sitting.
  3. Do not waste paper - use both sides. If paper is scarce use your ingenuity but be careful for hygiene reasons.
  4. Do not confuse toilet brush with toothbrush.
  5. Save electricity - learn to aim in the dark.
  6. Long timers be warned! After two hours ejectochair will start working.
  7. When writing graffiti on the wall - use only waterproof colors and brushes of good quality. Please write legibly.
  8. Flush only when a risk of suffocation or feeling of sickness occurs.
  9. Warning! When dispatching excessive amounts there is a strong possibility of blockage. Flush several times and hope for the best.
  10. If flooding occurs - keep calm. Life vest is under your seat. Tread water until help arrives.
  11. Avoid crowds - max: 16 persons in this room.

I signed up for PPP!

Yeay! I'm so happy that I was finally accepted by payperpost! Like this is a dream come true! Did you know that payperpost may be one, if not the best, online program that offers it's subscribers (they call us "Postie" cute right?) the one of a kind opportunity to post about the things we like and at the same time earn money!

A friend of mine referred this program to me and boy was I thankful! Imagine, they literally pay you $20.00 just to announce to the world that you're proud and happy that you got in their program! Isn't it great? The payperpost site is also very user-friendly even to newbies like me. Boy I am really ready to write some great posts from now on!

So to my friends out there, what are you waiting for? Why not join payperpost and join me as I earn while I continue with my addiction: blogging!

The Children of Chinese Businessmen

I'm not sure if this is true or if it is just one of my wild ideas. But I think some Chinese businessmen (and women, I don't want to be sexist) have their children work for their business once in a while. This is just an observation that I have gathered, because every time that I go to a restaurant (doesn't really need to be a Chinese restaurant) I see these Chinese looking waiters who stand out from the store team because they look Chinese and they don't seem to fit in.

Let's just say that I have a gut feeling that these waiters/waitresses are actually rich and are sons/daughters of the rich Chinese businessmen. I think that the reason behind having your children work like common people (if you were a rich Chinese businessman) is to let your children know that making money is not easy. The experience of being common people, the average low-wage salary type of people, would make their children more hardworking and grow up responsible and independent.

I know a Chinese family, friends of my family, who grew up living simple. Their children are not snobbish little rich brats that you would expect of rich families but rather they are rather down to earth totally disregarding the fact that they are surrounded by such extravagance and wealth.

Maybe this is one of the reasons why Chinese businessmen are successful, what do you think?