Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Being A Teacher Is Hard

Boy, I have said this before but I'll say it again, being a teacher is so freaking hard! I wanted to be a teacher before but now that I'm experiencing one role of a teacher I'm having second thoughts. Yup I did plan on becoming a clinical instructor (CI) some day but I'm having second thoughts right now.

No I do not have a part time as a teacher at some university (because I'm not qualified, Lol). I'm helping my mom with her checking of papers because she's a part-time professor at a local university teaching basic accounting. And checking accounting test papers is so tiring! I hve to check each entry one by one to check if they got the total correctly and that it didn't appear on it's own. I still have 3 days to check them and I guess I'll divide my work on those days to preserve my sanity.

I hate doing so many things at a time. I used to multi-task but I realized that it's best to focus on one activity so that you'll finish more than end up with many unfinished projects/activities. I have my blogging, my new domain to finish, my checking, and guess I have to eat in between too. Wished a day had longer hours so that I could get more finished.

Another New Car

One thing that still confuses me is that a lot of people are saying that the economy is getting bad and all but then here comes my cousin who just bought a new Ford Ranger after he was fed up with his old Mazda car. Here's a pic of his new baby:

Ain't it a beauty? I'm so jealous. Anyway I told him that he should better get a car insurance since you know how it is with robbers. The better looking the car the higher their motivation is to steal. In the US alone, cars get stolen every 26 seconds so one should really be safe than sorry and get a car insurance. I googled car insurance and a lot of companies showed up. You should really get auto insurance quotes so that you'll get an auto insurance that can guarantee your assurance and peace of mind that whenever there's anything that happens to your precious car, you are insured.

And if you're looking for auto insurance quotes within near your area you might want to check out They have free quotes for any vehicle anywhere in just 5 minutes. Cool huh? I'm sure that you'll find everything you need about car insurance there.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Please Support David Archuleta

Please support David Archuleta and vote for him on American Idol. Why would you vote for him? Well his songs below would be very good reasons enough why he should be the Next American Idol 2008. Hahaha! I really am a fan. In fact I even joined to prove that I'm a die-hard fan of David A. So if you have ODD (Obsessive David Disorder) please support him by buying his songs on iTunes and don't forget to vote for him! ^_^

Angels - David Archuleta (My favorite)

When You Believe- David Archuleta

Smoky Mountain Memories - David Archuleta

We Can Work It Out - David

You're The Voice - David Archuleta

Angels in the Alleyway - David Archuleta (I Love this song too)

And here's David Archuleta's performance at the Top 6! He sings Think of Me and I haveto say that he did an excellent job making the song his own and for creating a pop ballad song.

Money Problems

I was quite shocked to find out recently that my mom had actually gotten herself a payday cash loan before. I knew that my mom was having some difficulty handling all our finances when my dad stopped working but I never knew that such loans existed.

For those who don't know what payday cash loans are they are loans intended to cover a borrower's expenses until his or her next payday. I find this loans quite helpful really since we can't change the fact that the country's economy is not that good anymore and there are so many price increases but there is no changes in the salary.

Oh well, as long as payday cash loans exists I'm sure that everybody could get by. Good thing we're already moving this June to another country with a better economy.