Monday, November 5, 2012

Goodbye Wisdom Teeth

Well so many things have happened in the past few months and I don't really think I'd like to condense my entire life into one small post. Not that anyone will be interested in my sad life story anyway, but I have decided to come back into the blogging world as I am slowly losing my mind.

I am currently on my fourth day of post-surgery. Although I only had three wisdom teeth removed, I feel like I've undergone a major surgery. My surgical wound is free of pain, swelling, or exudates which I wouldn't be surprised as my doctor has prescribed me antibiotics, narcotics, and an anti-inflammatory. Although my pain is under control, I hate how Tylenol 3's make me feel light-headed and just plain weird. I also dislike being unable to eat real food and am forced to eat pureed "no-chew" food as it hurts a lot when food particles get into my stitches.

Plain and simple, I am just whining and fussing over my sad condition. I sometimes ask myself, why on earth have I decided to put this upon myself? My wisdom teeth were growing under the gum line in an awkward fashion that it was pushing my other teeth out of place and it was a source of infection as food  particles would get stuck in the hard to reach crevices. Although this would help me in the long run, I kinda wished I decided to have the operation during the summer. Oh well, what's done is done.

1 comment:

  1. Nice healthy story you have shared on dental health. Thank you for taking such type dental point to discuss here.
