Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hate Only Beget Hate

I was very unfortunate enough to bump into my least favorite people in the world. I bumped into them in a small shopping centre as I unfortunately had to get blood tests done because of my incompetent doctor. Anyway I had the option to just mind my own business and walk pass them... but I didn't.

My pent up anger was already too strong that I followed them to the food court. I sat near them and had double thoughts as whether to confront them or not. I actually went out the shopping centre and came back several times. I knew that I should be the bigger person and just think that they were not worth it but I just couldn't do it.

I wanted to curse the two of them (my harassers is composed of 8-10 people but I only saw those two effing couple) and scream at them like a madman. I wanted to make a scene and make them regret everything that they have inflicted on me. But what the hell? I didn't even say a single word of vulgarity or curse. I wasn't able to say the "F" word or GTH! I just realized that I was effing calm and I just told them that there is nothing they can say to me anymore because I don't work at a effing Tim Hortons anymore. I told them that they must be really sad that they don't have anyone to criticise or harass. I told them to spread the word to their effing friends that I have won this battle.

But God damn it! Not a single bad word... I am just too polite I hate myself.

Anyway, I am happy that I told them that I hate them (sort of) and I am dropping them from my hate list for good. They have stayed too long in my head and heart rent-free and it's time to kick them out. They mean nothing to me now. I have a new life and I intend to live it that way. Although I didn't say "I forgive you" as most goody-two-shoes would do, but what can I say I'm not that good.

They actually said they don't know me (but they did because they did say I already talked to them before at the store about them harassing me) and they should call the police on me. The nerve! They've been ruining my life and sanity and they even refuse to admit that they speak ill of me. Well I hope God takes them right now to heaven! Ok, I'm sick and I need help... anyone here know a good psychiatrist?

Yes I am much happier now than before. They said that quitting and not facing your problems head-on is a sign of weakness. But in my case, it's the best thing to do. I quit my past job because of so many reasons. But I am very happy with my decision and I wish I could have done it sooner.

Because of my harassers, I had grown to shun away Filipinos around me. I felt that they represented the whole Filipinos in the world as in general. Sure there are some rotten Filipinos (as well as in other races I'm sure) but it's not enough reason to dislike every single Filipino. I used to be traumatized by Filipinos and this became a problem because whenever Filipinos are near me, my brain actually plays tricks on me and I hear them dissing me. I even hear Filipinos talking about me on the bus but to my surprise there weren't any Filipinos at all. Just shows how traumatized and insecure I am around them.

When it comes to hate I am always the first one to crumble. I just don't want to carry the burden of hating anyone... it's too darn hard I tell you. You know what? When ever I see a person who wants to ruin my day then go ahead! Say what ever you want because I would just let it pass from one ear to another. I wouldn't even react or make a scene... gosh this is also too hard to do.

But whatever! I am happy with my life and I will mind my own damn business so mind your own business too. How does that sound?

I'm such a drama queen. I hate myself... wait... hate only begets hate so... I love myself just as much as I love everyone in the world. I love you guys! Even my haters! You trolls will always shatter me to pieces but  my friends and I will put me back together...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thank You for the Many Blessings

I am very thankful for the many blessings that I have received. I guess that all my bad luck and depressions had suddenly became positive vibes as I got to accomplish some of my short term goals.

As of the moment, I am very happy and I am savoring every moment that I have right now. Who knows when the next wave of headaches and heartaches will occur.

Despite everything that I have went through I still am happy that I have been blessed to have a great life and a great family. Sure my life and family has flaws but they're mine alone and I am very happy.

Let me count my blessings and let me thank God and the other people who have made me a very happy person:

1. For finally being accepted into the Grant MacEwan University's nursing program after waiting for 1 year and being rejected by University of Alberta - Thank you!
2. For finding a better job and leaving behind all the people and the job that makes me a hateful and very stressed person - Thank you!
3. For passing my road test - Thank you!
4. For the fast construction of our home - Thank you!
5. For my family - Thank you!
6. For my friends who have kept me afloat all the times I was down and frustrated - Thank you!
7. For everything good that had come into my life which I failed to mention - Thank you!

I hope that this streak of good karma will continue on and I will pass this good vibe to everyone. I finally feel alive.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Fun Place to Work At

One of my reasons for joining the Best Buy team was because friends (well just Darron) told me that working at Best Buy was very fun and exciting!

Well I did think that working at a place where you won't be overworked like a slave and stressed out would be considered a fun workplace. But my definition of "fun" suddenly became the word itself, I mean working at Best Buy is fun because the people are very nice, you get to play with the computers, and did I tell you about the PS3 system in our lunch room?!

It really helps to boost one's self-esteem when we have some morning activities that are completely non-work related. With my General Manager around, he would make sure that everyone is happy.

Just like yesterday, before we opened the store doors we played a shooting game between teams. There were these targets with points and the team who receives the highest points win! Although there weren't any prices, having fun and bonding with your co-workers is worth it!

I love Best Buy I really do. The prices are amazing. I can't believe that we are losing money from selling computers because we have to beat the prices of our competitors. We only get income from our performance service plans (psp). Some people would say that the PSP's are useless and are a rip-off but try saying that again when your computer fail and the computer manufacturer takes so long to fix your computer. I know that happened to me once and it wasn't pretty.

Anyway, got to prepare for work so I have to end here.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

An Easy Way to Immigrate: Global Visas

Immigration is defined as the movement of a person to a country where he or she wasn't born in. There are several reasons for immigration or acquiring a visa, it may be to temporarily work at a company's off-shore branch, to get specialized training and education, to seek refuge/sanctuary, or to escape from one's obsolete government system and poor economy. The last of the given reasons may be the main reason why people from the third world countries like me have for moving to another country.

Many people have asked me how to get an American visa because most would think that the United States of America is the only land of milk and honey. Although I would love to answer their question, the thing is, my family and I immigrated to Canada. But I never left them hanging and I always recommend them to visit because these are the professionals that could correctly answer their inquiries. Acquiring a visa is not as easy as one would think. There are several processes, legal steps, and prerequisites that it would make one confused and frustrated. A mistake in the application process could either mean a denial from the the embassy or a re-application. Either way, you would have wasted all your time, not to mention expenses. This is why it is important to have a reliable Immigration and Visa Consultancy to give you legal advice and accompany you through out the application process.

Global Visas is the leading authority in helping individuals and even corporate clients in obtaining US, UK, and Canadian Visas with the help of their years of experience, research, and a dedicated teams of immigration lawyers and migration consultants across the world.

Getting a visa is the key to your dreams and goals. Don't allow yourself to make a huge mistake that would compromise everything that you have worked hard for. Seek the help of professionals and not just some hear-says from other people.