Thursday, February 19, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

I'm so happy that I'm able to play a tune on my violin even if it is just "Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars". It is just so hard to play the violin. I'm going to practice, practice, and practice until I make my "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" sound like a song from the opera! If the opera was dedicated to kids hehehe.

Monday, February 16, 2009

13 Year Old Father

Look at this baby-faced boy... look at the baby... aren't these two brothers look so cute together? Well they are cute but they sure aren't brothers! The 13 year old boy is the baby's father!!! Seems like a big joke right? But this isn't any laughing matter.

I first heard of this story on the news but confirmed it at Juliana's new blog WAHM Talks! What is happening to the world? Why are these things happening? I can't believe that a 13 year old boy can become a father! I can't even believe that he lost his virginity at that young age!

This is why kids these days shouldn't be allowed to have intimate relationships like girlfriends or boyfriends because they have no idea what an intimate relationship is really about and where it should be headed...

It such a shame that an innocent 13 year old was already tainted at such a young age. He doesn't even know how grave the situation is.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Valentines Day

My Valentine's Day turned out great after all. It sucked that I had to go to work today but I was really happy when I came home. I was surprised by my mom's gift: an I U Chocolate! And I loved it!

It was a very sweet gesture by my mom and I really appreciate it. I may not have that Significant Other but I do have my mom who loves me and I guess that is all that matters to me.

So I'm now not eligible to be part of the statistics of people who didn't receive anything on Heart's Day hahaha! ^_^

Friday, February 13, 2009

Yes! It's for Free!!!

Free Samples

Yes! You heard me right! You can actually get free stuff without any credit card, shipping fees, or whatsoever!

It's really hard to believe huh? But it really is true! You can get Free Samples of food, clothing, office supplies, and anything else under the sun. This really is legitimate and there really is no strings attached.

Free Samples does not only benefit those who receive it but benefits the company giving away the samples more. It's just like a business tactic to inform potential customers that their products can really satisfy your needs and wants.

So if you want to learn more about what I'm talking about, just head on to to get your own samples.

Guess there are really free stuff in the world.