Friday, April 4, 2008

Harsh CI Love

As a student nurse I have encountered so many kinds of clinical instructors (CI's). There are CI's who are very friendly, there are CI's who you admire so much for their intelligence and skills, but the CI's that you might want to get away from are the "terror" CI's with matching tiger-looks hahaha!

Who are these "terror" CI's? They are the ones who will not hesitate to shout at you in public, fail you, and even throw heavy steel patient charts (you must evade to avoid serious injury hehehe). But I understand why CI's may sometimes be strict and uptight. This is because their hard-earned professional license is on the line. So if ever students become lax in the hospital student nurses might do more harm than care to patients. and who would suffer the consequences? Not the students but the CI's because what will you take away from student nurses they don't even have any license yet. So if you hate your CI go kill a patient, joke. ^_^

But if CI's are not strict with their students the clear line that marks authority is broken and student nurses won't show respect and won't follow the instructions of CI's. Plus if our CI's don't care about us then they would just leave us making a lot of mistakes. If CI's don't inform us of our mistakes then we would never learn.

But at the end of the duty or class CI's are more friendly because they don't have to be the authority after class hours, they are now our friends. I'm really going to miss my clinical instructors especially Ma'am Asne who has always been a mother figure to us. She has always been so generous with us in terms of time and food (hehehe). I will try to be like my clinical instructors and I will make them proud me, their student nurse who gave them trouble once in a while...

Shopping Cart Anyone?

You have heard that I was having a Nursing Garage Sale right? I only wish that I have heard of Ashop Commerce's shopping cart software sooner so that I could have easily sold my items online! Anyway selling stuff online is one way to earn a lot of money as you have a much wider customer range that is why an ecommerce software is needed in online businesses.

I say ecommerce because Ashop does not only provide a shopping cart but also sales analysis, web optimization, inventory, and shipping and tax. Plus Ashop offers free store designs! It's like having a software that is the master control of your whole business operation! How cool is that?

And did I mention that this software requires no installation at all? Yup Ashop Commerce's ecommerce software is a web-based program so even if your not a computer geek you can easily use this software with ease and immediately. And about being a computer geek Ashop has a live technical support so you can get help easily.

Interested? Why don't you try Ashop Commerce' right now for 10 days without any use of a credit card!

I Hate Smokers!

Honestly I think smokers have a disgusting habit and I guess you would know what that is right? SMOKING!

I don't know what is it with them that they want to die that much! There are so many reasons to quit and one reason is good enough to quit! So what are these reasons? Here they are:

  • CANCER! What kind of cancer? Adult Acute Leukemia, Adult Chronic Leukemia, Cervical Cancer, Esophagus Cancer, Laryngeal Cancer, Lung Cancer,
    Kidney Cancer, Oropharyngeal Cancer, Pancreas Cancer, Stomach Cancer, Urinary Bladder
  • CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Stroke, aneurysms, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular illnesses.

  • RESPIRATORY DISEASES Smoking is cited as a risk for dying of pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema.


    A report recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggested that smoking increased the risk of developing non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) by more than three times.

    Studies have pointed to smoking as a risk in vision loss among older people, mental impairment later in life, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

  • EFFECT ON PREGNANCY Pregnant women who smoke can pass nicotine and carbon monoxide to their baby through the placenta leading to fetal injury, premature birth, or low birth weight.
Still not convinced? Here are some fast fact from the FDA Fact Sheet:

> Number of deaths per year attributed to tobacco in the United States: 400,000 *.

> Number of deaths per hour: 45.

> Number of deaths due to:
Cardiovascular disease: Almost 180,000. *
Obstructive lung disease (chronic bronchitis and emphysema: 65,000 *.

> Risk for a smoker dying of lung cancer, compared to a never-smoker:
Male: 22 times
Female: 12 times

> Number of scientific studies on the health effects of tobacco, approximate: 50,000.

> Percentage of United States adults who smoked in 1993: 25 *

> Percentage in 1965: 42 *

> Number of years of life smoking costs the average smoker: 7 *

> Number of identified carcinogens in tobacco smoke: 43

> Estimated 1993 health care costs due to smoking, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: total $50 billion. This figure includes:
$26.9 billion for hospital costs
$15.5 billion for doctors
$4.9 billion in nursing home costs
$1.8 billion for prescription drugs
$900 million for home-health care expenditures

But what do I care if these smokers die? They want to die then let them die. But what's so disgusting with these kind of people is when they drag other people down with them to their graves. Who do they kill with them? The non-smoking people! Smokers are so shameless! Non-smokers have a 20 percent greater chance of death from coronary heart disease when they become secondary smokers or when they inhale smoke from smokers. Also non-smokers have a greater risk to have respiratory diseases and lung cancer because smoke particles that are inhaled cannot be expelled again unlike smokers.

And another important fact to know is that smoking by parents following the birth of babies is linked to sudden infant death syndrome, or cot death, and higher rates of infant respiratory illness, such as bronchitis, colds, and pneumonia.

So smokers are only liabilities in society! Billion of dollars are wasted on health care for them when they caused their own illness. These people also don't have any conscience as they kill other people.

Whenever a smoker smokes in public like the public transportation i never hold back on showing my great disgust and annoyance. if you want to die do it alone don't drag non-smokers with you!

A New Way to Search for People

I just joined a website that offers a unique people search engine! It's like a hybrid of Google & Wikipedia because you can search for people using his/her name, email, or tags like has brown eyes, lives in Canada, and etc. What's more exciting and unique about this people search is that you can actually edit the search result of a person adding more information related to that person. And the search results also contains the person's contact details or homepage making it easier to contact that person.

If more people joined this people search then you can search for people who have similarities with you or even long lost friends! The possibilities are endless with!

I have tried out Spock's people search and I searched for "student nurse" and here are the people who turned up! And you notice the websites below the name right? You can reach these student nurses through these websites and befriend them and link to them. Isn't it great? Why don't you check out for yourself and go people search right now!