Friday, May 30, 2008

SocialSpark is Here!

We all know that the blogosphere is already thriving with so many bloggers and I am happy that our numbers are getting larger and larger!

It's great that there are people out there who are open and willing to share their thoughts, learnings, and knowledge. And some of these bloggers are really really interesting just like mlizcochico who is a WAHM (that's Work At Home Home Mom) and what's great about these mommies is that they can really plan their days taking care of their little ones while they bring order to the house, plus they even get to blog! I just love her recipes and some tips about health, it's really helpful and interesting. Just check out her profile at SocialSpark.

Yup SocialSpark is the hangout of incredible bloggers and this is a great place to show-off your beloved blogs and at the same time earn money through blog sponsorships and sponsored reviews. It's quite easy to get sponsored reviews at SocialSpark too and it's quite easy to move around once you got the hang of it.

Check out my profile too vincentb88! So if you're a blogger and who is into socializing and meeting other people who share the same passion as you, Blogging, then this place is for you! Don't forget to add me as your friend once you sign-up ok? ^_^

Delayed Tag

I've been receiving a lot of messages and I've been so busy these weeks (busy daw hehehe) that's why I may have forgotten to do some tags and I'm sorry for that. Just remembered that I haven't done this tag that RNFreebies has sent me and I thank RNFreebies for this tag and sorry for doing it so late.

You can check out the original tag HERE. I decided to just post part of it since I have done this tag before HERE and this tag is soooo long hehehe. So here it is:

The rules are:

1. Mention the person who tagged you and create a link back to them.
2. Copy-paste the traits for all the twelve months (see below).
3. Pick your month of birth.
4. Highlight the traits that apply to you.
5. Tag 12 people and let them know by visiting their blogs and leaving a comment for them.
6. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve done it!

AUGUST: Loves to joke. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless. Firm and has leadership qualities. Knows how to console others. Too generous and egoistic. Takes high pride in oneself. Thirsty for praises. Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry when provoked. Easily jealous. Observant. Careful and cautious. Thinks quickly. Independent thoughts. Loves to lead and to be led. Loves to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. Learns to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends.

To all those who want to do this tag then by all means just do it hehehe. ^_^

Q & A Tag

Participants: Tere-Blessing in Life 2. Yen- Me and Mine 3. Aggie - Pink and Brown Diaries. 4. Mich - Random Thoughts 5. Vannie - FunFierceFab 6. Jane - My Charmed Life. 7. Abie – Women Xplore 8. Princess Vien 9. cookie jar of entertainment 10. Edz - This is everyone's journey 11. Renz- Live the Life of ADreamer 12. Edgar - Angel in the Sickroom 13. Your blog here

I've got this tag from Edz and Renz!

1. What do you want for your birthday?
Don't really expect anything. I also don't want any material thing as of now.

2. Who will be your next kiss?
The love of my life? Or my future wife? hahaha!

3. When was the last time you went to the mall?
Last week I guess.

4. Are you wearing socks right now?
Nope because I'm at home.

5. How did you spend your summer?
Staying at home blogging and some traveling around the Philippines. It was fun!

6. Have you been to the cinema in the last 5 days?
Why would I go to the cinema when I could watch video in the comfort of my home? But I haven't watch anything really. Not time.

7. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Water I guess. I don't really remember if I drank anything this morning...

8. What are you wearing right now?
Nothing. Joke! ^_^ Pants and shirt.

9. What was your last purchase?
Is fare from a public transpo fit this criteria? If not, food!

10. What was the last food you ate?
ICE CREAM! Chocolate and peanut. Don't like the combination though but loved the chocolate.

11. Who would be the person you would call if you were up in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep?
I don't disturb anyone when I can't sleep. I'm not rude hahaha!

12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Nope. Just a Genuine Windows XP Home for my lappy (so Microsoft my OS is legite ok?).

13. Do you have a pet?
I had... huhuhu... but my Missy the Doggie is with her original owner right now.

14. What made you laugh in the last 5 days?
Watching funny shows like Scrubs, Friends, and Ellen Degeneres.

15. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
My new home in Canada ^_^

16. What is the last thing you purchased online?
An workout video for $6 which I haven't used yet hehehe. Lazy me.

17. One thing you hate about yourself?
I have a lots of downsides but my worst would be my inability to open up with new people but I'm learning to cope and fix this if I want to meet new friends in Canada.

18. Do you miss anyone?
My friends? But i don't miss them yet hehehe. We just had get togethers... ok fine I'm missing them already huhuhu...

19. What are your plans for the day?
Uh pack my stuff? hehehe.

20. Last person you msg’d?
I think it was Edz.

21. Ever went to a camp?
You mean like a camping camp? Yeah I did when I was a kid.

22. Are you a good student in school?
Maybe... never failed anything hehehe. ^_^

23. What do you know about the (your) future?
The future is vague. But I want to stir my own path into becoming a successful nurse practitioner.

24. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
Yup I am. Bench Wired.

25. Where is/are your best friend/s right now?
In the Philippines. In Bukidnon to be specific.

Oh yeah I'm tagging everyone who wants to be tagged Lol! ^_^

Thank you again Renz and Edz!

On Flying

I just love flying! I had ridden an airplane at least 5 times but I never get over the thought that I am actually flying above the clouds like I have always dreamed as a kid. I was carefree and for a short while everything else didn’t seem to matter, all my worries and things on my mind disappeared. I was lost in my own imaginations as I stared at the mountains and the sea. The flying experience was amazing.

I could just imagine myself having super powers and that I would soar high into the skies with my black wings and I know that I would love the way the cool wind would blow into my face.

I just hope that my 12 hour flight to Canada will be as equally enjoyable but I bet it will! As long as the in-flight entertainment is good, hahaha! ^_^

Photo Credits:

Blue blue sky by ~Eevee90

Thursday, May 29, 2008

So What?

I had to remove my old chatbox and replace it with a new one because I wanted a chatbox where I could delete, ban, and report IP addresses of users who are just plain nuisance.

Get off your back you say? I don't even know who you are for God's sake because you spineless wimpy coward don't even leave any information as to who you are. I am not stupid or blind, I know that my stomach is big and that's none of your business. If you don't want to look at my picture then don't. That's not my problem, just don't be arrogant enough to place your stupid and uncalled-for comments like "deal with the fact that you're fat".

Because you know what? I don't care if I'm fat or ugly. Because I don't exist in this world to satisfy you or anyone else. I have a family that loves me, I have friends who adore me, and a few days from now I will be moving to a first world country where we will be spending our hard earned millions living a life of luxury and ease and where I will earn my professional license as a nurse practitioner and I will continue to live life as content and as happy as I am now while you people continue to waste your time trying to put me down.


Don't you have anything better to do than criticize other people (pitiful losers)? Are you PERFECT then and that gives you the RIGHT to CRITICIZE other people?

Don't HATE me because I am HAPPY with my life and we are successful...