Sunday, March 16, 2008

Homeowners May Be Being Treated Unfairly

I have read an interesting article about commercial mortgages and I have to say that I was totally blown away! I am saddened by the fact that there are some money lending firms that treat homeowners unfairly according to the Financial Ombudsman.

Many people are struggling just to live a decent living and at the same time be able to pay their commercial mortgages and then we have money lending firms imposing several fees that are not any more reasonable.

For me, the homeowners should really complain about these excessive fees and that the Financial Ombudsman should protect these rights. Homeowners should protect their rights from money lenders that takes advantage of their situation.

Good thing that there still are great lending firms that offers commercial mortgages at very reasonable prices. We're going to move to another place this coming May and this thought is very reassuring.

Smorty - Get Paid For Blogging

We all are familiar and have seen this funny man riding the small bicycle in various blogs and websites while we go blog hopping and surf the net. Well, that is not something to be amazed of because Smorty is one, if not the best, service that connects bloggers to advertisers by allowing advertisers to advertise on blogs.

Bloggers are happy because they get paid to blog while they speak out their opinions on products and the things they want to blog about. Smorty is a service that is very easy to understand and use because it has a very user-friendly web layout and the services are stated in simple plain English. No technical terms so even newbies like me could benefit totally from Smorty's services.

For advertisers, they are given an easy access to blog advertising. With several blogs on the net, Smorty gives them blogs with substance where they can advertise on blogs with out any worries. Advertisers pay bloggers, bloggers writes great posts about their opinion, then everyone is happy.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Nursing Garage Sale!

Hello everyone! You might be wondering why I have a nursing related post here when I already have My Nurse's Notes for my nursing topics. Well I just wanted to spread the good news about my Nursing Garage Sale! There's nothing special about my garage sale, well except that the majority of the stuff I'm selling are nursing books for such a reasonable price! Why don't you check my Nursing Garage Sale for yourself!

Nursing Garage Sale!

Hi everyone! Let me invite you to my garage sale! Please check out my Nursing Garage Sale for used nursing books at very reasonable prices plus more nursing stuff! ^_^