Thursday, March 29, 2007

Scarred for Life

I am horrified by the way people could be so cruel and heartless. I am disturbed by how people can treat other people like shit and don’t feel any remorse about it. I ask you, what kind of person would make someone feel so bad when that person doesn’t even know you or haven’t even done anything to deserve such treatment?

On this night, Thursday of March 29, 2007, I was viciously harassed by a certain someone and I am bewildered because I constantly wonder what motivated such person to spend so much effort and time to put me down. I want to say that I am strong and that I am not affected by such acts but what can I do? I am only a human being who has these emotions and it is because of these emotions that I am able to hurt so much.

I ask why? What have I done to deserve this? What?! I was even so polite to this person and all I received were foul words. I ask myself why? What reason could this person possibly have for wanting to hurt me so badly? Why?

The pain that I feel could never be compensated for anything and that this event has scarred my being. I will forever be reminded of this pain that I feel because I would always be reminded of this night when I was harassed and I couldn’t even find the reasons why.

I feel like being hit by a truck… but maybe even worst for I am able to live on with my life carrying such incident. Why? What did I do to be hurt this way? I didn’t even say anything that could prompt such hatred.

I just wonder how many people like this are out there. I’m scared… how can I be ever be strong enough to face them? Should I be like them who would in turn hurt other people so that I could feel good about myself? But if I did that, what would differentiate me from them right?

I’m really depressed right now… I can’t stop thinking why… why… why…

People please don’t be like this. Be sensitive of other people’s feelings because they do have feelings and it really hurts so much if you say awful words to them. They may act like it doesn’t matter but they really are dying on the inside.

Please no more hating… let’s make the world better than this.

I'm sure that these wounds will heal but... one can never forget such an aweful event.

Also, please be responsible texters. Don't hide behind the secrecy and don't think ever think that it is fun to hurt other people. Please... that is plainly wrong and sick!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Who's Evil Now

Evil is found everywhere in the absence of good... but let me ask you... where is good when all I see is evil?

On Dating

I’m kind of new to this dating thing and here are some things I’ve learned…

  1. Never ever believe a single thing that a stranger tells you especially when you just met online or through texting. A person’s sincerity is only verified through actual conversation although this is also not that reliable.
  2. If you have a date, NEVER EVER cancel on that day. Cancel days before or even better, a week before the date. It is a BIG TURN OFF if you cancel on the day that you were planning to meet. As much as possible, don’t even cancel! Preparations are usually done before the date and broken expectations are quite unpleasant for the other party.
  3. If you did cancel a date and the other party was ok with that never ever cancel the second date! Worst! Never use the same excuse twice (e.g. being sick).
  4. Don’t make false promises as this tends to lead to confusions and misunderstandings. Breaking a promise is a big mark of what kind of person you are and your attitude to relationships and agreements.
  5. Never lie. Don’t make up stories to impress your date because once your date finds out the truth then this becomes a big turn off as no one ever likes liars.
  6. Do place your best foot forward. Your date needs someone that is happy with his/her self and not someone that is in need of spiritual or psychological help.
  7. Do be yourself. People usually fall for people who are true to their selves and who are confident. Some may not like who you are but you are sure that you would be happy with the people that accepts you as who you are because you won’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not every time you’re with your date.
  8. Split the expenses! Dating costs money, it has traditionally been the man's role to pay, although in recent times the practice of "going Dutch" (splitting the expenses) has emerged. This is especially true for couples who are still dependent on their parents. Take note: the rich actually finds it a turn off if you always are being paid for, it makes them think that you’re only at their side for their freebies. “If you ain't got no money take yo'broke ass home,” Glamorous by Fergie.
  9. Do dress properly. Don’t go to a date like you look like you’ve just gotten out of bed. In order for people to know you, they must first be attracted to you. Yes, appearance does count and not just the personality alone.
  10. Never expect anything. The date may go along fine and the person might even show signs that he/she likes you but never ever expect that that person really is interested in you that much. Always leave room for rejection, in this way you will have some of your sanity left when things don’t go your way.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Gosh I'm Emo...

What feeling do you represent?

You represent... naivete.So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at times, but it's only because you're not sure how to act. You give off that "I need to be protected vibe." Remember that not all people are good. Being too trusting will get you easily hurt.
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