Saturday, May 27, 2006

Sibling Rivalry

Do you know the person I hate the most? My brother! Ooh how I want to kill him sometimes! He just gets on my nerves! It's like as if his sole purpose in this world is to ruin my life! Grr! I don't know why we don't get along and Gid knows that I have tried all my best to be close to him or even form this certain respect with one another... but who could respect that kind of person with such a rotten attitude! Like thw world does not revolve around you you peice of Sh*t! Aarg!!!

But I'm just wasting my time on such a nonesense thing... yeah this is what we should all do to people who gives us crap all the time! We should just ignore them and just get a long with our lives because unlike them we have lives to live and they merely exist in their sad made-believe world where they rule everything. Why waste our time on such idiotic people? Why am I wasting my time on this moron anyway? I call it quits! I don't give a damn about this ex-brother of mine! Grr!

Update Update Update!

Yey! Finally I have done something worthwhile during my free time! It took me the whole day to finish re-lay-outing my friendster profile and my blogger skin but I'm quite satisfied with my accomplishment hehehe... Please don't mind the pictures thatI have placed here, instead of using "imageshack" I used blogger to store my pics hehehe...

You guys should see my new profile at friendster,! And I'm so glad that I've finally figured out how to make the links thing so you guys can check out my favorite websites and blogs of my friends.

It's 1:57 in the morning and I am already so tired! But I have to finish these things now because I have rivals in using the computer tomorrow hehehe... it's a sunday tomorrow so I can sleep as long as I can!

Well I'll end my post here...

my background
Vincent rules!

DNangel pic! I love it! I want to see the anime series or movie!
Vincent rules!

i love his eyes, my angel header pic
Vincent rules!