Showing posts with label My Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Thoughts. Show all posts

Friday, May 2, 2008

Making and Publishing Posts for the Future

This coming May 7 we will be flying to Manila for some seminar my parents and I have to attend some seminar or something. The Canadian embassy said that this was a prerequisite before we leave for Canada. We're going to stay in Manila for a week visiting some relative and go shopping for new clothes (yipee!). And a week later we will be heading for Cebu for another set of seminar.

With all this flying and island skipping I thought about my blog (like any concerned blogger would do, Lol!). I should really have some posts ready since I want to update my blog on a daily basis but how do I do that when I'm not sure if the places were we will go to have WiFi. My mom said that most hotels in the Philippines have WiFi but I'm not taking any chances.

Good thing I've read Blogger's new announcement about post-dated posts (like post-dated checks huh?). Yup the lovable and creative dudes and dudettes had formulated a solution to every blogger's dilemma. Nope they haven't invented a time machine but they did something even better.

For Blogger users when you create a post you would find "post options" below right? If you click that you would be given the "Post date and time" option. If you want your post published in the year 2013 or any day in the future you could easily do that by entering the desired date and time.

Isn't that amazing? This is why I love Blogger so much!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Oh come On!

I never seem to get anything that I plan done this week and it's quite frustrating! I told myself that I should be able to pack my bag and weigh my things today but I wasn't able to do it as usual and I haven't even finished the stuff I planned to do in my blogs. I wonder why time is just flies so fast!

To make things worst I realized that I wasn't able to watch American Idol last night because I went to sleep early since I was so sleepy since I wasn't able to get a decent sleep lately since I was doing some changes to my new website but at least I was able to get that done.

Oh well the day is still young and I still have the evening to finish my packing.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Be A PRO Poker Player

I have been very interested in joining online casinos but I am quite hesitant to even try to bet because I know that the risks of losing what I bet are very high since I am a newbie and playing casino games has never been my forte.

But if I was given a chance to play in an online casino or the real deal at Las Vegas then the game that I would play would be poker. You see I am a person who believes in the use of the brain and statistics rather than pure luck. Plus with Texas Holdem Poker Strategies I am sure to be on the winning streak!

Why am I so confident that I'll win if ever I play poker? Well you see there is a free poker calculator that Hold'em Radar is so generously sharing to everyone. With the help of mathematics one's cards are analyzed and with the help of the opponents moves the odds are calculated and one would be given real-time strategy advice.

Playing with the calculator offline or online one would be given a No Limit Winning Strategy that one would really master and one can even develop his/her own strategy to win in any poker game like a PRO!

My Money Was Refunded

I am so happy when SponsoredReviews sent me an e-mail saying that they had already sent me my payment through PayPal. If you have read my other post, PayPal Dilemmas, you would remember that I lost $27.95 due to someone breaking into my account and changing my PayPal address so that they could steal from me my hard earned earnings...

But after all of that I was quite happy with SponsoredReviews that they were so professional about the matter and that they responded quickly to my complaint and they refunded me my hard earned money which was lost in the first place due to a breach in their system but all of that is behind me now and on wards with my blogging life. :)

Feeling Guilty

I felt really bad and sort of guilty by the way I treated my brother's girlfriend. In my post, Extraneous Variables, I expressed how I felt about her how I didn't like her and didn't know why. Verpo commented that he felt the same way and that he also didn't like the friends of his friends and he also didn't know why.

After looking at the picture taken last 2 nights ago of me, my mom, my brother and his girlfriend I noticed that they were all smiling. It was only me with a frown on my face. I would like to post the picture but the camera is with my brother right now. Anyway she looked so innocent and kind and I looked like the antagonist of a teledrama serye (television drama series) where she's the poor girl who was hated by someone.

Well I didn't do anything bad to her just completely ignore her and stay away whenever she's around (plus a gloomy face on) but other than that we never had verbal or even eye contact. I don't do eye contacts to a stranger.

But I don't know why I disliked her and now I'm guilty for disliking her. It's so confusing. It just proves that I am human after all with stupid emotions.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Sedona Method

Have you ever wanted to be at peace? I mean literally in a state of euphoria where all your anger, fears, greed, stress, and all those human emotions just simply melt away. How easy it is if you could just let go of all the baggages that you have and just move on with your life being happy and content. With The Sedona Method, you could achieve lasting happiness, success peace, and emotional well-being.

How The Sedona Method is the bridge between The Secret and the Law of Attraction is not very confusing and very easy to understand. So first what is the Law of Attraction? The Law of Attraction is the state where you hope and wish for something to happen and it will happen. It relies on the principle "Like attracts Like". What you want will come when you want it. But the problem with us humans is when we want to make something happen we use the of personal will (ego). We may end up getting what we want but we don't let go of the thoughts and feelings that we have to achieve our goals so we end up being miserable while causing misery to other people too!

What's beautiful about The Sedona Method is that you are able to attract your goals by dissolving rather than strengthening your ego. We don't have to force ourselves to think positive and over stress our selves into forcing ourselves to go to the direction we want.
"With The Sedona Method we create what we want by letting go of our imaginary sense of limitation, our incessant need for more, our desire for the goal, and our attachments and aversions to the goal – in short, ego itself. By creating through letting go of every goal, we also support ourselves in awakening."

Wow! This is one way to reach a spiritual enlightenment indeed. Please visit the website of The Sedona Method to learn more about this wonderful key to set ourselves free from all negativity and to get your free DVD and CD!

What I Will Miss In the Philippines

I have been reading Mrs. APB's post about her wishing to go home to the Philippines as one of wishes on her wish list and me being curious and all asked her how long she has been away from the Philippines and then she had created an entry that answered my question.

Well for me I will miss the fiestas of course and all those Filipino-made dishes like dinuguan, batikolon, anything ginataan, and all those deserts that I love eating but don't know their name hehehe. Oh if you're not Filipino, fiesta is a time where the whole barrio (town) celebrate the feast day of the town's venerated saint. In my neighborhood our saint is St. Lorenzo Ruiz and his feast day is on September 28.

The only fiesta that is most memorable to me (and the most recent one) was the fiesta at Patag, Cagayan de Oro City. I remember that day very well because after our duty at the hospital our friend and duty mate Melissa invited everyone to her house to celebrate their fiesta. Of course everyone had their game face on and party mode is switched on. We didn't even bother going home first to change our duty uniforms and headed straight to Melissa's house. It was still early and dinner time was still 2-3 hours away so we decided to take a nap. Yup sleeping is a leisure for nurses that's for sure. After napping we bonded with each other sharing stories and then we ate dinner watched a DVD then went home to study for tomorrow's big exam.

I'll miss my friends, my duty mates, my school, and those precious bonding moments that we have. I'll miss my life... because I know that life in Canada would be quite different. But we'll see.

I Signed Up for SocialSpark!

I have a lot of online profiles on the internet from several different socializing websites and I have to say that they're all the same and I get tired over them in just a week or so. I just pimp my profile so that it would look good and see who my friends in my e-mail address book are members and add them up to my friends list.

But I have signed up for one socializing website that is completely unique and very interesting indeed and truly deserving of the name SocialSpark!

That's right this new community is for bloggers, like me, who love to blog and love to meet other cool people in the process! And guess what? We also get paid for giving out our 100% truthful opinions for any products that we choose. We could also write about other blogs of fellow bloggers and in turn you could have your blog be reviewed. This way more traffic could be driven to your blog.

What's more interesting about SocialSpark is that your blog could be sponsored and you get paid per day! Being sponsored means that there is a note at the bottom part of your blog saying that this blog is sponsored. It's actually really cool and it feels good to let other people know that you are being sponsored for blogging.

I have already met up with some of my old blogging friends here at SocialSpark and we invite you to join in our exclusive community for bloggers who are very serious in expressing themselves and voicing out their opinions.

Sponsored by SocialSpark

Extraneous Variables

I don't know why I hate her... no I don't hate her that's too harsh of a word. More like, I dislike her and I don't know why. I can't be fake but I can't stand it when I'm around her. Who am I talking about? No other than my brother's girlfriend. Actually I never did like my brother's girlfriends ever since I caught my brother alone with one of her friends in my parents room alone with the door locked. I don't think so that a genius is needed to guess what they were trying to do.

Sure this present girlfriend is better than her past girlfriend who was a liar, obsessed, and manipulative [censored]. Imagine she had the nerve to talk back to my mom (well just through SMS really) but if ever she talked back to my mom and I was there I would wring her neck!

Sure the present girlfriend somehow helped my brother get through high school and has become my brother's new bodyguard/slave I still don't like her and I don't know why.

There were two occasions that was supposed to be only a family affair when she was around and I was pissed off. My mom invited her of course but I'd rather be not included in activities that she is included like the outing to Obrero and my mom's birthday dinner.

I don't know why but I don't really like any of my brother's friends and I don't know why... is it because I'm anti-social? Or is it because his friends are I are just in a completely different wavelength.

Maybe this is why there are people I can't relate to because of this "wavelength" thing...

I know people who are just like me so maybe this time I kind of respect them more since well, they're like me.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

To My Dear Blogger Friends

Hello friends! I'm very sorry if I'm taking too long to respond to your comments and e-mails. I've been very busy creating my new website and I have been going out with my friends lately so I'm really so busy. I still have a lot to things to do like finish checking my mom's papers (and just now she asked if I had already packed my things - and nope I'm not finished haven't even started, Lol!).

I think that I might be gone for a while since I'll try to finish one thing at a time (and that's not packing my bags hahaha!) since multi-tasking is not getting me anywhere.

So if I'm not in the blogosphere I'm at my new website updating it. ^_^

I Have Been Hacked!

I can't talk about the details because an investigation is still undergoing. All that I can say is that I have been one of the victims whose account was hacked by some professional hackers in an attempt to intercept my payment through PayPal.

It was quite shocking but I'm glad that only $28 was stolen from me and not all of my money. I am quite glad that I took certain precautions when I set up my PayPal account and other accounts for that matter. I'm glad that only one account was hacked and they had no access to my other accounts.

So how do you protect your self from becoming a victim of being hacked? Here are my advice:
  1. I recommend that your password is not a word you can find in the dictionary, includes both capital and lower case letters, and contains at least one special character (1-9, !, *, _, etc.).
  2. Do not have the same password for every account.
  3. Refrain from joining unsafe websites or even entering one. Download McAfee SiteAdvisor to protect yourself from Phishing sites who tries to get your personal details.
  4. Always check your Account Details especially your PayPal information to ensure that your payment will go to you and not anyone else.
I really was down after losing my money but I'm now over it as the crooks only got away with that and not my total savings. Plus the site is willing to repay me for the money I lost. It was actually their shortcoming that their database was hacked and it was not my fault. But even if they won't pay me somehow I feel that the universe will compensate me for all the negative things that happens to me... that's karma and I love it! ^_^

Update: You can also checkout Julaina's (aka Mrs. Arm-Pit-Bull) on her post about PayPal Scams.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Still Loving Pokemon

I just watched Pokemon awhile ago and it brings so many memories to me. I have to admit that I'm a Pokemon Manic and I simply love Pokemon. I don't know what made Pokemon so lovable that I was so addicted to it. Yup I was addicted I watched the series, bought the DVD's, have a sticker collection of Pokemons, I even played the various Gameboy Advance Pokemon games from the very first Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow (Love this one), Green, Gold, Silver, Sapphire, Ruby and even Pokemon Stadium and Pokemon Snap on a console that I forgot (I used an emulator hehehe bad me)!

I remember being so frustrated at my mom because she won't let me watch Pokemon because it was for kids I really cried (hey I was still in grade school at that time ok?). I was so hooked to Pokemon that I sleep at around 1 am and then wake up real early the following morning. And when my old laptop broke down my first reaction wasn't "My Mom is going to kill me!" rather I thought, "No! My Pokemons!". The story of the game is quite captivating and the characters are cute. But as the number of Pokemon increased (from 150 to 493!) and the way Pokemon evolved and had new pre-evolutions (Pikachu came from Pichu) it just made it all confusing and sadly I grew tired of Pokemon.

Hahaha! I'm such a Poke nerd but I'm proud of it. Even thought the gameplay gets to be repetitive and predictable I still get lost in the story and it would be great to travel the world with your best buddies (the Poke Pals, Lol).

Oh if you're asking my favorite Pokemon is Charmander and whenever I play Pokemon I make sure that my team are composed of Dragon Types like Charizard, Dragonite, Gyrados, Kingdra, Aerodactyl, and I like Onyx too (not a Dragon type but I like huge Pokemons). I don't like Pikachu hahaha! I also had a friend once who had a crush on Ash Ketchum! Like what? Hahaha! Hmm... memories just flow in.

One thing I don't quite understand with Pokemon is why do you have to collect and catch them all if they're your friends? So when you capture 6 pokemons the others you catch get sent to the PokeFarm and what do they do there? And why do Pokemons want to fight other Pokemons? And do trainers feed their Pokemon and let them out once in a while out of their Pokeballs? I have so many thoughts in mind but I then remembered that Pokemon is just fiction hehehe. ^_^

Why Do You Have So Much Money?

Well I don't have that much but my mom asked me why I had so much money. It was actually a pretty weird situation for me because never have I expected my mom to ask me that question. Well I did tell her that much of my money that I have now was from my Nursing Garage Sale, which by the way is a great success!

My profit from my garage sale was a whooping Php 5125 or $125. Well and not to mention my other profit from blogging so yeah, I'm earning quite good. I guess that my summer have been really productive huh? Hehehe.

But still, I do blogging for the fun of it. ^_^

Career Options: Sonography Tech

I'm really serious about my future and right now I've been busy looking for other career paths aside from nursing and I have found another medical career that fits my interest and that's being a Sonography Technician.

So what is the job description? Well you operate and assist in the use of a high-tech ultrasound machines to direct waves to create an image of different parts of the body like the brain, eyes, and abdominal organs. Another interesting moments in a Sonography tech life is that he gets to share with the patients the joy and wonder when they have a video image of a fetus inside a mother's womb. You really get to appreciate God and all his wonders as you observe that fetus grow and mature as the mommy goes for her monthly check-ups.

And the pay is also good (average salary falls between $41,420 and $56,020 per annum) and your sure that you will be in demand since sonography/ultrasound is a standard operating procedure in hospitals so that doctors could easily and safely diagnose a patient's condition.

So if you're like me who is looking for other career paths in the medical field why not check out sonography and visit your nearest sonography schools for more info. And guess what, some universities offer online schooling for those who are working or have part time jobs.

What I Do When I'm Alone

The Singer by ~MargaritaMix on deviantART

Yup that's what I do when I'm alone. I sing! No one really knows this but I love singing. I just don't want anyone to hear me singing because I'm not that good yet. Whenever I'm alone at home I always try to record a song but so far I haven't finished any recordings yet.

I actually sound good but I'm a bit shy so I don't really try to reach the high notes because my house is near the highway and people might hear me. But wait... what do I care? I'm moving and who are they to judge me sing? They're not Simon Cowell! Hahaha! My dad will be leaving soon with my younger brother so the house will be mine. Therefore, neighbors prepare your ear plugs cause I'm gonna sing! Actually I prefer to be in a sound proof room right now or better, in the middle of nowhere.

I plan to sing Angels that Robbie Williams sang. Well I only liked Angels when David Archuleta sang it (no offense Robbie, I think you're a great artist ^_^). So guys wait for my recording of Angels hahaha!

If you want to hear Angels by David Archuleta just click HERE.

Why Not Become An X-Ray Technician

Ok, in my last post I said that I might not be able to finish my Bachelor of Science in Nursing or maybe I'd pursue another career in the medical field. As they say, when a door closes enter a window! I've found another great medical career that I know I'll definitely go into if my plans for nursing don't push though. And what career is this? No other than being an x-ray technician.

What a better way to work in the hospital and you're pretty much in demand because x-ray diagnostics is a routine procedure in every hospital. And take note that the median wage for an x-ray technician is $40,000. That's more like a registered nurse's salary!

But let's not talk about money. Being an x-ray technician is also quite interesting as you get to work with state of the art equipments like X-rays, MRI's (magnetic resonance imaging), and CT (computerized tomography) Scanners. Plus you don't have to suffer like some nurses who have a lot of patients to handle, illegible doctor handwritings, and some very irritable patients.

So if you're a nurse you only need to study for one year and you could already be an x-ray technician. Even I, who have finished a 2 year Associate In Health Science Education, could qualify as an x-ray technician so I already have another career path if ever nursing does not work for me.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Blogger's Crisis

I'm having a little problem right now. I have said that I've bought my own domain and I am pretty happy about that. I have always wanted to have my very own website that carries my name and is not under any subdomain or domain name extensions like .blogspot (Sorry Blogger but I still do love you! ^_^), .wordpress, .anything.

Now my objective is done but I have a big problem and I am having a difficult time choosing whether I should create a new blog or to simply move one of my blogs to my own domain. Here are some of the pros and cons that I have seen:

1. Creating a NEW Blog
  • Pros - I start a fresh blog where I could integrate my nursing life, personal life, and blogging life. More like of a hybrid of my Grim Angel (personal life) & My Nurses Notes (student nurse life). I plan to name my new blog as "Angel in the Sickroom" Lol! ^_^ And as always I'll place a Photoshop edited picture of myself in a nursing uniform with wings [still black, white is good but I prefer black because I'm the Angel of Death (hence Grim Angel) hahaha!].
  • Cons - Managing 3 blogs would be difficult (even managing my 2 blogs now is quite difficult) so I have to let go of My Nurses Notes.
2. Moving My Present Blogs to my Own Domain
  • Pros - All my links would still work and my readers wouldn't find it difficult to find me.
  • Cons - I might be penalized for a duplicate blog or whatever since I moved some of my posts from my Grim Angel to My Nurses Notes. No wonder my PR of Grim Angel dropped from 1 to 0. I actually didn't know that. ^_^ Now I know. And I do want to start a fresh blog...
Wait I think I just found my answer to my problems. I just have to make a new blog that's fresh. I won't delete My Nurses Notes but I won't be updating it anymore. It will just stand there as an archive for my posts (I really took some time and effort making some of my posts on My Nurses Notes so I'll really miss it. I could just move it but I don't want to risk my new blog as tagged as a duplicate.

So I have to say good bye to my beloved My Nurses Notes and welcome my upcoming blog Angel in the Sickroom. I really like the name. I'm not sure if I will be a nurse (I could be a doctor or a med technician) so it's kind of a safe name right? I was thinking of Angel in the Alleyway but that's David Archuleta's song hahaha!

PayPal Dilemma

Awe what a sad day this has turned out to be. SponsoredReviews told me that they had sent me $27.95 to my PayPal account but guess what? No payment was received. So I checked my PayPal e-mail that I have stated on my account at SponsoredReviews and my PayPal Address had an additional letter! What? I then panicked and e-mailed that address only to find that the address was not registered to anyone. So I decided to claim that e-mail address and add that e-mail to my PayPal account hoping that my payment would be forwarder to my account but I still don't see any money coming in.

Sure $27.95 may not be that big but it's still money and that could cover one year subscription payment for my new domain. Oh well I have already contacted PayPal and SponsoredReviews about this matter and hope it gets resolved soon.

But one question that bothers me is how in the world did my PayPal e-mail change? I thought I was hacked or something. Guess I have to change my passwords again. If ever I don't get to retrieve that $27.95, well I just have to live with that fact and move on with my life.

As they say, bad things are always replaced with good and vice versa. This balance in life thing is sure is hard to understand.

Being A Teacher Is Hard

Boy, I have said this before but I'll say it again, being a teacher is so freaking hard! I wanted to be a teacher before but now that I'm experiencing one role of a teacher I'm having second thoughts. Yup I did plan on becoming a clinical instructor (CI) some day but I'm having second thoughts right now.

No I do not have a part time as a teacher at some university (because I'm not qualified, Lol). I'm helping my mom with her checking of papers because she's a part-time professor at a local university teaching basic accounting. And checking accounting test papers is so tiring! I hve to check each entry one by one to check if they got the total correctly and that it didn't appear on it's own. I still have 3 days to check them and I guess I'll divide my work on those days to preserve my sanity.

I hate doing so many things at a time. I used to multi-task but I realized that it's best to focus on one activity so that you'll finish more than end up with many unfinished projects/activities. I have my blogging, my new domain to finish, my checking, and guess I have to eat in between too. Wished a day had longer hours so that I could get more finished.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Money Problems

I was quite shocked to find out recently that my mom had actually gotten herself a payday cash loan before. I knew that my mom was having some difficulty handling all our finances when my dad stopped working but I never knew that such loans existed.

For those who don't know what payday cash loans are they are loans intended to cover a borrower's expenses until his or her next payday. I find this loans quite helpful really since we can't change the fact that the country's economy is not that good anymore and there are so many price increases but there is no changes in the salary.

Oh well, as long as payday cash loans exists I'm sure that everybody could get by. Good thing we're already moving this June to another country with a better economy.