Tuesday, April 28, 2009



I just want to greet my mom Happy Birthday! I'm not sure if she visits my site but hopefully not because I often tend to rant and all about my family here. But all put aside I really love my mom and I am indeed grateful to her for every sacrifice that she has done for our family.

My mom is not only the light of the house but the breadwinner as well because my father is incompetent (I'm sorry to say). I can't imagine how my family will be without my mom because my dad doesn't know anything about the world, he doesn't even know how to use a credit card which my mom gave him.

But anyway, I'm not going to make this into a rant. I just wish my mom great health and I hope that she has her dreams and goals accomplished by this year. It was my mom who really placed so much effort in immigrating to Canada and she has already succeeded in that part and she is also doing well in her career as an accountant.

It's just too bad that I don't really show her that I love her and I say the words I love you not to often. There are times when I'm in a bad mood around her so I'm trying to cope with this.


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