Friday, February 1, 2008

There's A First Time For Everything

image Never in my wildest dream would I expect to be late in my duty days!

And sadly my worst fear came true...

My duty would start at 5:45 AM and I woke up at 6:15 AM! Imagine that! I was 30 minutes late for my first day of duty at the surgical ward. Being late brought about a weird feeling. I woke up feeling tired and sleepy because I stayed up until 4 am to finish my requirements. At first I didn't think that I was late. I looked out my window and told myself, "Hmm... it's finally morning..." and then I suddenly realized that I had duty and I couldn't help but mutter the words, "Oh God, all the angels, and saints I hope that I'm not late!" Yeah right! I wish!

I was lucky though that a taxi just passed by my boarding house when I went out and boy the adrenaline rush didn't feel good at all. I was worried and I was sweating... and oh boy... I didn't take a bath.

My duty mates were already taking down their endorsements when I arrived. I was a mess and I expected my clinical instructor to shout at me or something but strangely enough he was very cool tempered, lucky for me.

Although I got 8 hours extension (which hopefully I won't have to serve) the day was quite good. I promised my self that I wouldn't be late for the next day but guess what, I was late. But I caught up to the pre-conference during the second day so it was ok.

So this time, I promise myself to always finish my requirements as early as possible and I should sleep early too so that I could still wake up!

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