Monday, March 14, 2011

These people make me sick.

Japan has suffered great loss when they had the earthquake + tsunami + radiation exposure crisis, yet these people mock Japan and are even happy for Japan's disaster. I have never seen such sadistic people in my life. These people are not worth calling human beings.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Nurses Need to Know More About Hockey

Tried to initiate a conversation with a patient but he was talking about hockey, so I then changed the topic to his delusions of him being the authority of cats and dogs. I realized that I needed to be more knowledgeable of hockey in order to initiate therapeutic communication.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Twitter-like Function on Blogger

Blogger should have a Twitter-like function so that I could frequently update my status. Yes, I am one of those annoying people who updates their status on Facebook about every single thing that goes on in their heads or whatever they do.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Update

Hello world and to all the people who actually follow my blog and rants. As you would have guessed from the post title, today is Valentine's Day... yipee dee... Yes I am this ecstatic about it... not. Anyway, I still wanted to greet the lovely couples out there, Happy Valentines Day. I would also like to extend this greeting to all the loveless people as you have shown to the world how strong you are even when you are alone or as other lovey doveys would call you as a "half waiting for your other half...".

Well I started my day 1 in the morning as I was cramming for an exam which didn't really need cramming for since it was retarded. I am so negative, let's turn up the mood a bit.

Today I recalled an event in my childhood. I was staying at my grandmother's house when my cousins came home with a nest filled with hatchlings. These birds were so cute. Innocent as I was cute, I got our cat and showed him the nest of birds. I thought that he was staring at amazement and shared the same feelings of awe as I was when he was taking a moment and stared at the birds... he then took a bite and began chewing on the poor little bird. I was frantic! I wanted to stop him but I also didn't want to break his neck! What a traumatic childhood indeed. My first encounter with life and death...

How's that for changing the mood? ^_^

Photo credits from

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Drug Calculation Quiz Retake

In my pharmacology class, we had to take a drug calculations quiz. We either get a hundred percent or we fail. Guess what? I failed...

I am angry and bewildered as why I would fail such a simple math exam. I double checked each and every one of my answers but I still ended making a mistake. I hate making mistakes and I hate being a failure. I am not a failure and this event has taken a toll on my self-esteem... specifically my pride.

Sure, this is a humbling event and it reminded me that to err is human and that I shouldn't think badly of others who fail because they too might be just like me... had a case of bad, dumb old luck. Life is a gamble and it's how you deal with what ever life gives you is the most important part.

I was grieving when I found out I had to do a retake. I was in denial (I couldn't make a mistake), I was angry (that stupid teacher checked my paper wrong), bargaining (I didn't really bargain...), I was depressed (I wanted to die), and finally I accepted my failure.

I just lost 2% of my total grade and it really doesn't look that bad. I will make this failure as a sign to work extra hard and be more diligent in my studies.

It does help to think positively.