Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How Long Have You Been Here?

I don't want to sound elitist but I really dislike being asked "How long have you been here for?" or "Matagal ka na ba dito?" in Tagalog.

I really find no sense in this question. Why do you need to ask a complete stranger this question? I'm sorry but I have absolutely no intentions of informing a complete stranger my entire life story because my life is my own personal business and there is absolutely no need for you to know who I am, what I am, or what my worth is.

Seriously, the only reason that someone would ask this question is to gauge one's seniority or superiority over someone. So when a Filipino asks another Filipino the question, "How long have you been here?", he/she is actually asking, "Do you already have a house, a car, and lots of money?".

My mom once told me about her experience while she was on a bus on her way to work. She was just minding her own business when a group of Filipino women comes to her and starts a conversation with her. They then ask the same old questions like "How long have you been here?" and "What's your job and how much do you make?".

Why can't Filipinos just live their own effing lives and stop with their comparing and being nosey. I once heard someone comment how come we already bought our own house and car when we've only been here for less than a year. This really burst my bubble. So this person means that just because we're new here in Canada we have no right to buy things that we can afford? Then we're labeled "mayabang" or "cocky" just because we go on buying things that were only "reserved" or expected only for Filipinos who have been here in Canada longer. Well sorry, we didn't come here to Canada to follow certain unwritten Filipino laws and culture because we have our own life so stop barging in.

Tsk tsk... my blog is slowly becoming a place to vent my frustrations towards other Filipinos. Honestly, I love the Filipinos back in the Philippines more than the Filipinos living here in Canada. Well just some of them at least, not the entire Filipino-Canadians.

Sweet Dreams Mattress

A friend of mine recently shared her experience with Sweet Dreams Mattress because she was extremely happy with the mattress that she had purchased with them. My friend, Sally, is just like me when it comes to beds. We both love comfortable beds because after a hard day`s work you deserve to have a cozy mattress to sleep on.

She talked about Sweet Dreams Mattress because I recently told her that I wanted to buy a new mattress because my current mattress is just so bad that I sometimes can`t sleep because I have to constantly change my sleeping position so that I wont feel the springs. I have to admit that my mattress isn`t that good because it`s cheap but again, who said you can`t get a very good mattress for a very reasonable price.

This is why Sally recommended Sweet Dreams mattress. They don`t care if you walk out the door and don`t buy anything from them. All they want to do is provide their customers the proper ``beducation`` . You heard me right! Beducation! Because we buyers should be able to make informed decisions when buying the right mattress for us in terms of firmness, padding, quality, and of course all at the right price.

Anyway, wish me luck with my new mattress so that I could have sweet dreams for a change.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Long Drive to British Columbia

Guess I really can't survive a day without my beloved computer and the internet so even when I'm on the road, my computer comes with me. So here I am at Fairmont Hot Springs at one of the villas that my parents own (timeshare that is) and doing this blog entry.

I'm actually disappointed that my parents bought a timeshare at Fairmont because this means that instead of having money for my "future car" (crossed fingers) the money goes to paying the monthly and yearly maintenance fees.

Anyway, I'm really so tired right now. I'm proud that I was able to beat my laziness and actually went to the gym and worked out. I'm really really out of shape so I really need the exercise. I think I'll continue this routine when I go back to Edmonton.

Gosh I really love long drives. The scenery is breathtaking and I get to forget all my problems and just live for the moment. Oh well I'll just enjoy the rest of my vacation.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sometimes I Wish I Wasn't Filipino

Don't get me wrong. I am not ashamed of being Filipino and I do not deny the fact that I was born and raised in the Philippines. It's just that if I wasn't a Filipino my life right now would be way easier.

For starters, if I was not a Filipino, I would not have to go through the painful uprooting of my happy and content life in the Philippines and re-establish a new life here in Canada. Although the Canadian culture is great I hate having to lose my status as a student because I'm having an extremely difficult time getting into the nursing program here in Edmonton. If I was born as a Canadian, I wouldn't have to go through the painful hiatus from school.

If I was not Filipino, I wouldn't be a victim of Filipino mentality where I am rebuked for being who I am. It's not my fault that I act and speak flamboyantly. I was raised to be assertive and self-confident. I cannot help it if I want to pronounce words properly because I am an educated Atenean. Like leave me alone will you? Is it my fault if I like to dress well and have nice gadgets?

But then again, I have to ask myself whether the root of my problem is because of me being Filipino or me migrating to a foreign land. Or maybe the main cause of my problems is my pride. I don't want people to think that I am just a contract worker (not that there's nothing wrong with being a foreign worker). Maybe if I didn't have so much pride and insecurities I may have the chance of living a happy and content life.

But again, I do not want to settle for mediocrity. I will not accept the fact that I didn't get the chance to finish college because I had to move here in Canada. I still have so many goals that I want to accomplish.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Exciting Phone Chat

I have heard friends talking about this free chat service that Talk121 is offering. I didn't have a clue about what they were talking about so I asked one of them to enlighten me with this matter. They then introduced me to the world of phone chat lines, live chat, and voice personals.

They told me that it was kinda like being on a social networking website where you get to meet new very interesting girls and guys. The only difference is that hearing someone's voice when you chat is more intimate than reading words. You really get a feel of who the person is if you hear them talk live.

And it is much easier for you to express your real feelings and you feel safer because callers don't have to give their numbers so you don't have to fear someone calling you on your phone and that your privacy is respected.

So if you're lonely and bored why not get on the phone right now and chat live. I'm a pretty shy guy too but I find this phone chat service very interesting. I should try it sometimes.