Thursday, August 14, 2008

Being A Good Man

One thing that I like about Canadians is their ability to express themselves. If they hate you they can really be nasty but if they like you they can say the darnest nice things. There are already several times that I have been called a good man. I was quite touched by what they said and of course I had a bit of hepatomegaly episode (in other words "bukad atay").

I am quite thankful that I am able to give this impression to other people but the truth is there is nothing good in me. I'm very selfish and self-centered. I'm just like any other man on this planet. The only reason that I was respectful and nice to them (as I said HERE) is because they showed me the same thing. So I was only mirroring what they were showing me.

So the truth is, they are the good people because I was only showing them what they showed me. If they were nasty, I can show them the proper way of being nasty and hostile.

But hearing those words were very rewarding indeed. I really like it when people know how to appreciate rather than just seeing the bad things from other people. So it's better to see the best in everyone right rather than lingering on people's imperfections because in this world no one is perfect (except me, JOKE!).

Back to School Tips

As they say time passes so fast... and indeed it does! Because in just a few weeks classes will once again open and my little brother will once again be going to school. I'm actually quite worried that he won't be able to cope with the stress of high school life so I was glad to read some useful back to school tips from DYMO.

I sure did wish that I had heard of DYMO Label Makers sooner when I was in college because I could have used DYMO to file folders which as a nursing student have tons of. I have lots of paper works and photocopied materials that I tend to have a room filled with a bunch of papers and I end up not finding anything because of the mess and clutter. But with a label maker like DYMO, organizing my life would have been so easy and manageable.

Both my brother and me are klutz and we tend to lose stuff easily so labeling our stuff would truly prevent us from losing them and getting them mixed up with other people's belonging.

Well there are other several ways to use a DYMO label maker so why don't you check out their helpful tips and tricks so that you could also organize your life and keep your possessions safe.

Last August 12

Last August 12 was actually my birthday... but due to my very busy and tight schedule of my career in the food industry (char!), I wasn't able to blog about it that much. Well my birthday was plain and simple. Just spent my whole morning alone in the house and waited to be picked up later in the afternoon by a family friend so that I could set-up their wireless internet connection in their brand new gorgeous mansion. The word house doesn't give justice to their extravagant home.

Anyway, I was still touched by the actions of my mom when I arrived home. Even if she didn't know how to cook and she didn't have much time on her hands she was still able to prepare a feast for me. We had a wonderful chocolate-strawberry cake, freshly-delivered pizza (yup all we do is take-out since we don't have time to cook), chicken, and ice-cream.

I didn't have a party or a huge gathering but being at home with my family was enough for me to be happy.

I also gave myself a gift. An HP m9350f desktop computer with an AMD Phenom 9850 Quad-Core Processor (2.50 GHz), 6 GB RAM, 750 GB Hard Disk, and it comes with a 24 inch LCD screen for only $1900. This is the computer of my dreams. What i like about this baby is not only is it good for extreme gaming, it comes with a remote control so that I can watch TV on it and listen to the radio. Heck I even use this baby to play with my PlayStation 3. I'm happy that my hard work as a lowly donut shop employee who cleans the bathroom and serve customers and all of that is able to afford a desktop like this. If I worked in the Philippines, I would never afford this.
The bottom line is. We may be living a simple life here in Canada but we are still lucky because many of our relatives and friends back in the Philippines are really working so hard just to get by. I just wished that we didn't have to leave our home in the Philippines just to get a better life and a better future.

Anyway... damn it I'm old! I can'tr believe that I'm already 20 years old. I'm still edgy about my future because until now MacEwan hasn't finished evaluating my transcripts and I've checked my application status and it still shows there "Acknowledged". I wish they'd change it to "Documents Lacking" or something so that I can do something about the things I lack.

Anyway, on with my life.

Monday, August 11, 2008

RESPECT: A Two Way Process

I really don't appreciate it when customers raise their voice or try to belittle me thinking that I'm inferior to them because they are the customer and I am the lowly servant. Well they should think again. I don't anymore bother calling them "ma'am or sir" because here in Canada only a few does. Why? Because every one here are equal. No one is above the other.

People like me who work in the customer service department are here to help them and we are not here to be trash talked to or abused. So if they want respect from me then they should give it too.

But the kind of customers that really bug me are the Indians. They don't speak clearly and they get mad when you ask them to repeat what they said because their English is not only bad but their pronunciation of the words are all wrong. But I don't say that all Indians are arrogant and self-absorbed. It's just that there are these people who think that Filipinos are inferior to them and that we are only here in Canada as contract workers. Excuse me but I happen to be a permanent resident here in Canada and in 3 to 5 years time a CITIZEN of CANADA. Besides, even if I was a contract worker, I still deserve respect.

There are some rude and nasty customers who come into our store each day but I don't let them get their way because I always show them that I am not the person they should mess with. But there are also times that I'm tired and I just don't care anymore. But when I am in the heat of the moment and ready to fight back, well... they should watch themselves.

Oh well. We can't really say that the world is a perfect place. But we should also remember not all other people are as rotten as some people out there. The point is even if a nasty customers try to ruin my day, I still smile and treat the next customer with respect. But if that customer is like the previous nasty one then I switch the way I relate to them appropriately too.

Oh my... why am I ranting again? Sorry about that guys, just releasing some steam.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Money Doesn't Make You Happy

Next Monday is already payday and I was planning what I should buy with my money. I had so many wants but then it hits me... After I buy everything that I desire what next? I suddenly felt some kind of empty.

I realized that it is true that money couldn't buy happiness and contentment. I then went into my special moment where I contemplate and reflect on things... Why do people continue on living? Why do they live out each day? What purpose or goal do they wish to accomplish?

I then ask my self what is my goal? Well... I haven't quite figured that out yet. But what I figured out is that even if I haven't found out my reason for living but I get through each day because of people around me who makes each of my passing days more memorable and worthwhile... these people are my friends and family... or some of the anonymous angels you meet along the way.