Monday, June 16, 2008

Sim Card for $40

Yup a sim card for $40 (Rogers Mobile)! That’s like Php 1680 and to think that’s Canadian dollars people (Canadian dollars are higher compared to US Dollars). I’m kind of not over the converting-to-peso phase because woah I can’t live like this. Good thing thought that earning here is no problem. Got a job already at Tim Hortons and I like what I see (so far).

I kind of want to go back to the Philippines to go shopping. Just wish our baggage capacity is big enough hehehe. I’m being too ambitious. The truth is all may look good over here but if you don’t work hard and watch your budget then being bankruptcy is not that far.

So where ever you are in the world may it be the first world or the third world, working hard and spending thriftily is the key to a life of success. Hey that reminds me, is there a second world? If there is what are these countries? Because all I’m hearing is first world and third world. Weird.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hollywood Baby!

I don’t know why but the shows flashing on my TV screen are Hollywood gossip shows! Like why am I watching these crap? Uhm am I like absorbing western culture? The glitz and glamour part of it? Maybe. Anyway I really can’t live a life of a celebrity because the paparazzi will eat me alive!

Like having cameras around you and being famous is very difficult. It’s like being in an arena and you are open to everyone’s criticism and scrutiny. Not a very comfortable idea. Geez… good thing I’m a nobody hehehe. ^_^


Photo credits to

Got a JOB!

Yup! I am so happy that I was able to get myself a job. I only applied yesterday and then today my brother and I got a call from Cathy, Tim Hortons’ Day Manager, and we signed a contract and we’re ready to work and train tomorrow. I work at 3 pm to 11 pm but it’s really no problem because the last bus is at 12 am. But if I do miss my bus walking is no problem because it’s really near where I live and that the sun would still be up.

My pay is at $9.50 per hour and it will increase if we stay at Tim Hortons longer. My brother’s pay is at $9/hour since he’s only a part timer and that his school starts this September. My school starts next year (hopefully) so working would sound good.

I haven’t got my work schedule yet because I haven’t seen my manager since I work at a different store but my brother works 4 days. And if he works a full month he’ll be earning Php 48,384! He’s earning more than most professionals in the Philippines and he’s just a part time worker! And if I begin working then I’m sure I’ll earn even more.

I’ve actually applied to other stores to like McDonalds, Safeway, Tokyo Express (which I won’t be accepted since most employees are Japanese hehehe, you know that means something). And if ever I’ll see a “we’re hiring” sign near my neighborhood then I’ll probably apply there too hehehe. My Tito had given me an advice that I should remember that I will still have to go to school because working and earning already is addicting and I may want to keep on working.

Picture credits go to

Friday, June 13, 2008

Exercising for Nothing

I was so thrilled when I burned 20 calories on the treadmill, well that's what the treadmill said anyway.

But I was also a bit frustrated because I was already sweaty and I felt tired so I decided to drink Gatorade so that the electrolytes that I loss will be replenished and that so that I could be rehydrated. But what really surprised me was that the energy drink had 130 calories in it and I was like staring at the bottle thinking why did I sweat on the treadmill for when what I lose was gained when I drank that energy drink?

Moral Lesson? Drink water! It has no calories!

But really I'm trying to lose weight here and take off some inches off my waist because I don't want to look like my father. Just thinking about it makes me want to run around the neighborhood even if it's freezing.

Well some people on the internet had rudely said that I was fat but instead of getting mad about it I'm doing something about it instead. So goodbye carbohydrates! That means goodbye rice! From now on I'm eating only vegetables, fruits, and proteins. No rice for me.

Plus I'm doing sit-ups every day and I've finally watched that $6 dollar abs workout I bought from the internet. Well back to exercising for me then!

Stubborn Father

Ok I know, this is another one of my rantings... well maybe I should change this blog into my rant zone huh? Well if you don't want to hear rantings you may visit my other blog Angel in the Sickroom or you may choose not to read this post any further.

My father is maybe one of the most stubborn people in the world. He doesn't admit that he's wrong and that he blames other people for his short comings. Like the use of the washing machine for example. The washing machines here in Canada are very different from the ones we have at home. You can say that it's sort of hi-techy. In here there are different settings like the choose of either warm, cold, or hot water in washing or rinsing. It's actually quite complicated but if you only read what is written on the knobs then you can work your way around.

But my stubborn father insists on not learning because it's totally different and says that we should be the ones to operate it because he doesn't know how to. Well if you only use your common sense and your eyes instead of your loud mouth cursing and mumbling to yourself I bet one could easily figure its use out. It's not like a total mystery that needs a rocket scientist to figure out.

And there are so many jobs in Canada and he wants to choose a job as a garbage collector. For a person who has a mechanical engineering degree I wonder why he could be so stupid. He reasons that he knows a garbage collector in Canada who has a three story house and three Ford pick-ups. But the thing is that garbage collector may have another source of income like selling the furnitures and other stuff he salvages from the dumps and sell it to the third world countries. Or he could be like my dad who has a wife who has a higher paying job than him and the only one who literally feeds the family and makes it alive.

Yes, my dad is so stubborn that he doesn't want to continue his education to be able to land higher paying job saying that he's not fit for it. Well I kind of agree because he can't even make his own resume for Christ's sake and he always relies on my mom for this. I just wonder how my mom could keep up and tolerate living with a person who does not even contribute to the family but even cause damage to it.

But honestly. I don't expect much from my father because by the way he's going he's not going anywhere (except down) and my mom will have to clean up after his mess like all the time. He's also has a very loud mouth which is also very irritating. As they say it's the loud people who have the less brains and I have to say that it's true.