Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Money Was Refunded

I am so happy when SponsoredReviews sent me an e-mail saying that they had already sent me my payment through PayPal. If you have read my other post, PayPal Dilemmas, you would remember that I lost $27.95 due to someone breaking into my account and changing my PayPal address so that they could steal from me my hard earned earnings...

But after all of that I was quite happy with SponsoredReviews that they were so professional about the matter and that they responded quickly to my complaint and they refunded me my hard earned money which was lost in the first place due to a breach in their system but all of that is behind me now and on wards with my blogging life. :)

Feeling Guilty

I felt really bad and sort of guilty by the way I treated my brother's girlfriend. In my post, Extraneous Variables, I expressed how I felt about her how I didn't like her and didn't know why. Verpo commented that he felt the same way and that he also didn't like the friends of his friends and he also didn't know why.

After looking at the picture taken last 2 nights ago of me, my mom, my brother and his girlfriend I noticed that they were all smiling. It was only me with a frown on my face. I would like to post the picture but the camera is with my brother right now. Anyway she looked so innocent and kind and I looked like the antagonist of a teledrama serye (television drama series) where she's the poor girl who was hated by someone.

Well I didn't do anything bad to her just completely ignore her and stay away whenever she's around (plus a gloomy face on) but other than that we never had verbal or even eye contact. I don't do eye contacts to a stranger.

But I don't know why I disliked her and now I'm guilty for disliking her. It's so confusing. It just proves that I am human after all with stupid emotions.

Warning Blogging Is Dangerous to Your Health

Too Much Blogging = Tumor

Oh here's a new comic from that I thought that I would share. Although it's highly impossible for a person to get a tumor from too much blogging it is funny to take note though that the patient is more concerned of his blog than his own health. Well, I may also be guilty of this being a blog-a-holic myself.

I sometimes get a distended bladder because I have to finish posting first or blog hopping and all that bloggy stuff. I'm so hooked to blogging that I don't seem to notice time fly. How I hate it when there's so many things to blog and there's so little time.

Stupid organic body that needs to eat and sleep! hehehe... :)

But I was thinking if blogging was declared as dangerous to my health I wonder if I would stop? Well maybe I will but if not then let the addiction and fun continue hehehe.

CPR: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Lately what I feared the most had happened. I was sitting in front of my computer happily blogging when all of the sudden I thought, "How do you do CPR again?" And that's when it hits me, my being out of the clinical area for one month has weakened my thinking ability and I now forgot how to do Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. And to think I even had a Basic Life Support training that I had from Red Cross.

But there's no need in crying over spilled milk, I have to review and reacquire that skill which I believed I was already good at. So how do you perform CPR? Here is a graphic illustration of the steps in CPR which I guess summarizes everything I need to remember:
Here are some facts and tips that I have remembered:
  • the brain is damaged after 3 minutes of no air and dies after 4-5 minutes without oxygen
  • always add "1000" after every number when counting from 1 to 30. Adding a "1000" word will make the pace of chest compressions regular and mimic the normal beat of the heart.
  • If you are in a scene of an accident always look around and check if the scene is safe, you do not want to become one of the victims
  • Always remember the ABC... Airway (check for obstruction and tilt head and chin back to open airway), Breathing (check if the person is breathing), Circulation (check for a pulse).
  • Do not bend your elbows when doing chest compressions, doing so will deliver a weak and ineffective chest compression
For more information on CPR you might want to visit

On Wanting Green Eyes

I had always wanted to wear contact lenses because I want to change the color of my eyes. And what color do I want? Green! Yup some people may find this weird but I would love it if my eyes were green because I find it unique and interesting. And if you're wondering my eyes (as well as the ridiculous) here are just Photoshop edited, Lol!

I just want to share what happened that changed my mind about having contact lenses. I went with my mom to get her glasses that she had ordered and we had to wait because the glasses weren't done yet. I was looking around when I realized that I wanted to get some contacts. A sales girl was approaching me and asked me what I wanted. Normally I would get irritated with sales girls who keeps on hovering above me as if I'm going to steal something. But somehow this sales girl was quite nice and I was in a good mood so I asked her about contact lenses. The sales girl was very accommodating and showed me the different lenses and their solutions and stuff.

I was quite amazed that she knew a lot about contacts. Sure she may have worked there already for so long but she was able to point out different eye conditions where contacts were preferred than eye glasses. I was quite ashamed because I forgot all the things I have learned in anatomy & physiology like astigmatism, myopia, and stuff.

In the end, I decided that contacts for the sake of fashion is not worth it because:
  1. It's quite expensive, the cheapest pair comes at Php 2,000 or $48.
  2. Contact lenses are only good for a year and then you have to change it
  3. Wearing contacts only increases your chance of scratching the cornea of your eye and presenting an opportunity for infection
I since that visit I was really uplifted and became more interested in health... if only I was motivated a little more to have good study habits hehehe...