Sunday, April 27, 2008

Overpopulation. Be a Solution.

I sternly believe that overpopulation is the cause of poverty. In the Philippines, the country where I grew up in, the population of the poor outnumbers the rich and the working class. Filipinos have this old belief that the more children they have, the more number of people will be able to work to take them out for poverty. Well I say that this notion is outrageous! Children are not there to make your life better, it is actually the other way around. It is actually the parents who should work hard so that they can support the child's needs and provide him/her with a bright future.

But how could parents who can barely provide for themselves be able to support a child and send him/her to college? If they can't support one child, how on earth could they support a dozen children? And so the vicious cycle of poverty occurs and poverty is never solved.

I do not feel pity for families who are very large in number and are suffering. Having a family is a vocation and it needs planning and one's full time attention. Why choose to have a large family when you can't even support yourself? Don't tell me that they can't afford contraceptives because the government offers free contraceptives and even ligation and vasectomy at public hospitals and some health centers. But the poor people are just uneducated and do not think of their children's future.

What I hate about these poor people is that they are the one's who always makes a scene at roads and tries to destroy the economy with their protests and outcries of desperation. In the first place what have they contributed to society and the government when they don't even pay tax and they expect that the government should be responsible for feeding them. If the Philippine government is corrupt and unable to provide the citizens their needs, then this should be an excellent reason not to have a dozen babies.

I commend the efforts of China in implementing the one child policy. Before the Chinese could not afford to buy meat because it is very expensive, but now they are able to enjoy that because they can now afford to buy their needs because they only have one child to support.

If only Filipinos had the sense of responsibility they would have the sense enough to follow in China's footsteps. If you can't afford to have a child then don't. Parents who have children and who can't provide their children their needs should be punished by law for negligence and child abuse. A child should be given only the best as they are the future leaders of our country. That is why there is a correlation between poverty and crime because children are forced to steal and use drugs because of the hardship that they undergo.

The Philippines will not develop unless the root cause of poverty is destroyed and that is overpopulation. With overpopulation there is a shortage not only with resources such as food but a shortage in jobs as well. That is why many Filipinos who have the right qualifications and skills often chooses to migrate abroad because this is the most practical thing to do than stay in the Philippines where conditions are becoming worst.

I will not be amazed if the Philippines become completely brain and skill drained and the people left would die out of hunger or worst uprisings and the never ending EDSA revolutions saying that the government has done nothing for them. But before we blame poverty on politics and the government, why not look at ourselves if we are not the cause for our own poverty.

I am proud to say that I came from a poor family. My dad's family was poor and so was my mom's. But because my parents were smart enough to have only two children they were able to send us to prestigious private schools and provide us with our needs. Because of hard work and family planning we are able to enjoy the life of a middle class right now where we can afford to buy anything we need and want.

Solving poverty does not need a political scientist or an economist, it just needs common sense. Think of your children's future... think of your selves... DON'T HAVE A CHILD IF YOU CAN'T SECURE HIS/HER GOOD FUTURE.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Wear The Right Pants

My brother loves wearing BDU pants and I mean love! He wears it every day and I even wonder if he even washes them. For those who have no idea what BDU pants are these are pants used by the military and the police hence the name Battle Dress Uniform (BDU).

But I don't blame my brother for wearing them. It's really comfortable as it is made of cotton and it's very durable. They may seem to be hot but they're actually very cool to wear and what's best about some BDU pants is that they are stain resistant so even if you play in the mud and spill food on them the stain and grime comes of easily with just water since the pants are sprayed with Teflon (kind of wish there were BDU pants for kids huh?).

To My Dear Blogger Friends

Hello friends! I'm very sorry if I'm taking too long to respond to your comments and e-mails. I've been very busy creating my new website and I have been going out with my friends lately so I'm really so busy. I still have a lot to things to do like finish checking my mom's papers (and just now she asked if I had already packed my things - and nope I'm not finished haven't even started, Lol!).

I think that I might be gone for a while since I'll try to finish one thing at a time (and that's not packing my bags hahaha!) since multi-tasking is not getting me anywhere.

So if I'm not in the blogosphere I'm at my new website updating it. ^_^

Get Your Boots

I think everyone likes wearing boots. I love wearing boots. My mom loves wearing boots. My brother, well he likes flip flops, but my dad on the other hand will not wear anything but boots.

Boots are very stylish and are very comfortable to wear. Who would have guessed that work boots could also be fashionable? Yup work boots were designed to be durable and to last a lifetime. Some boots are designed to meet your needs too. So if you want a boot that has an insulator, a waterproof boot, a steeled-toe boot, slip resistant boot, or any kind of boot at all, there is bound to be a work boot for you.

So if you're looking for that boot that suites your needs, I totally recommend because they specialize in work boots so you can select the style and even brand of the boot you want and need.

I Have Been Hacked!

I can't talk about the details because an investigation is still undergoing. All that I can say is that I have been one of the victims whose account was hacked by some professional hackers in an attempt to intercept my payment through PayPal.

It was quite shocking but I'm glad that only $28 was stolen from me and not all of my money. I am quite glad that I took certain precautions when I set up my PayPal account and other accounts for that matter. I'm glad that only one account was hacked and they had no access to my other accounts.

So how do you protect your self from becoming a victim of being hacked? Here are my advice:
  1. I recommend that your password is not a word you can find in the dictionary, includes both capital and lower case letters, and contains at least one special character (1-9, !, *, _, etc.).
  2. Do not have the same password for every account.
  3. Refrain from joining unsafe websites or even entering one. Download McAfee SiteAdvisor to protect yourself from Phishing sites who tries to get your personal details.
  4. Always check your Account Details especially your PayPal information to ensure that your payment will go to you and not anyone else.
I really was down after losing my money but I'm now over it as the crooks only got away with that and not my total savings. Plus the site is willing to repay me for the money I lost. It was actually their shortcoming that their database was hacked and it was not my fault. But even if they won't pay me somehow I feel that the universe will compensate me for all the negative things that happens to me... that's karma and I love it! ^_^

Update: You can also checkout Julaina's (aka Mrs. Arm-Pit-Bull) on her post about PayPal Scams.