Thursday, April 24, 2008

What I Do When I'm Alone

The Singer by ~MargaritaMix on deviantART

Yup that's what I do when I'm alone. I sing! No one really knows this but I love singing. I just don't want anyone to hear me singing because I'm not that good yet. Whenever I'm alone at home I always try to record a song but so far I haven't finished any recordings yet.

I actually sound good but I'm a bit shy so I don't really try to reach the high notes because my house is near the highway and people might hear me. But wait... what do I care? I'm moving and who are they to judge me sing? They're not Simon Cowell! Hahaha! My dad will be leaving soon with my younger brother so the house will be mine. Therefore, neighbors prepare your ear plugs cause I'm gonna sing! Actually I prefer to be in a sound proof room right now or better, in the middle of nowhere.

I plan to sing Angels that Robbie Williams sang. Well I only liked Angels when David Archuleta sang it (no offense Robbie, I think you're a great artist ^_^). So guys wait for my recording of Angels hahaha!

If you want to hear Angels by David Archuleta just click HERE.

Why Not Become An X-Ray Technician

Ok, in my last post I said that I might not be able to finish my Bachelor of Science in Nursing or maybe I'd pursue another career in the medical field. As they say, when a door closes enter a window! I've found another great medical career that I know I'll definitely go into if my plans for nursing don't push though. And what career is this? No other than being an x-ray technician.

What a better way to work in the hospital and you're pretty much in demand because x-ray diagnostics is a routine procedure in every hospital. And take note that the median wage for an x-ray technician is $40,000. That's more like a registered nurse's salary!

But let's not talk about money. Being an x-ray technician is also quite interesting as you get to work with state of the art equipments like X-rays, MRI's (magnetic resonance imaging), and CT (computerized tomography) Scanners. Plus you don't have to suffer like some nurses who have a lot of patients to handle, illegible doctor handwritings, and some very irritable patients.

So if you're a nurse you only need to study for one year and you could already be an x-ray technician. Even I, who have finished a 2 year Associate In Health Science Education, could qualify as an x-ray technician so I already have another career path if ever nursing does not work for me.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Blogger's Crisis

I'm having a little problem right now. I have said that I've bought my own domain and I am pretty happy about that. I have always wanted to have my very own website that carries my name and is not under any subdomain or domain name extensions like .blogspot (Sorry Blogger but I still do love you! ^_^), .wordpress, .anything.

Now my objective is done but I have a big problem and I am having a difficult time choosing whether I should create a new blog or to simply move one of my blogs to my own domain. Here are some of the pros and cons that I have seen:

1. Creating a NEW Blog
  • Pros - I start a fresh blog where I could integrate my nursing life, personal life, and blogging life. More like of a hybrid of my Grim Angel (personal life) & My Nurses Notes (student nurse life). I plan to name my new blog as "Angel in the Sickroom" Lol! ^_^ And as always I'll place a Photoshop edited picture of myself in a nursing uniform with wings [still black, white is good but I prefer black because I'm the Angel of Death (hence Grim Angel) hahaha!].
  • Cons - Managing 3 blogs would be difficult (even managing my 2 blogs now is quite difficult) so I have to let go of My Nurses Notes.
2. Moving My Present Blogs to my Own Domain
  • Pros - All my links would still work and my readers wouldn't find it difficult to find me.
  • Cons - I might be penalized for a duplicate blog or whatever since I moved some of my posts from my Grim Angel to My Nurses Notes. No wonder my PR of Grim Angel dropped from 1 to 0. I actually didn't know that. ^_^ Now I know. And I do want to start a fresh blog...
Wait I think I just found my answer to my problems. I just have to make a new blog that's fresh. I won't delete My Nurses Notes but I won't be updating it anymore. It will just stand there as an archive for my posts (I really took some time and effort making some of my posts on My Nurses Notes so I'll really miss it. I could just move it but I don't want to risk my new blog as tagged as a duplicate.

So I have to say good bye to my beloved My Nurses Notes and welcome my upcoming blog Angel in the Sickroom. I really like the name. I'm not sure if I will be a nurse (I could be a doctor or a med technician) so it's kind of a safe name right? I was thinking of Angel in the Alleyway but that's David Archuleta's song hahaha!

Escaping from Debt

I have been watching some TV shows lately and I have noticed that some kids or even the kid-at-heart find shopping as a favorite pass-time. Well I have nothing about shopping since I too love to shop but I only shop when I have the money. What I have noticed is that some people shop and shop until they drop using their credit cards.

Oh yes I have always loved the great power of this plastic that could buy you everything you $desired in the mall with one swipe. I remember the first time I bought anything with a credit card (not mine, my mom's) and that was my laptop. Being able to buy anything is a great adrenaline rush.

But reality check! You have to pay for all of the things you've bought later. And this is where hell breaks loose. Some people even have multiple credit cards and when the credit card statement arrives, you sure wish you had another credit card to get out of this mess. One keeps using their credit card and what they're earning can't meet all the cost that they have incurred and where does this lead to? DEBT! Piles and piles of debts.

So how do we find debt relief? Simple, through debt consolidation. Yup that's right, you get a loan to pay up all your debts and other several loans. So if you want to improve your credit roles and stop all those pesky calls from the people you owe money to then better find yourself a debt consolidating agency that could bring you your own debt relief.

PayPal Dilemma

Awe what a sad day this has turned out to be. SponsoredReviews told me that they had sent me $27.95 to my PayPal account but guess what? No payment was received. So I checked my PayPal e-mail that I have stated on my account at SponsoredReviews and my PayPal Address had an additional letter! What? I then panicked and e-mailed that address only to find that the address was not registered to anyone. So I decided to claim that e-mail address and add that e-mail to my PayPal account hoping that my payment would be forwarder to my account but I still don't see any money coming in.

Sure $27.95 may not be that big but it's still money and that could cover one year subscription payment for my new domain. Oh well I have already contacted PayPal and SponsoredReviews about this matter and hope it gets resolved soon.

But one question that bothers me is how in the world did my PayPal e-mail change? I thought I was hacked or something. Guess I have to change my passwords again. If ever I don't get to retrieve that $27.95, well I just have to live with that fact and move on with my life.

As they say, bad things are always replaced with good and vice versa. This balance in life thing is sure is hard to understand.