Friday, February 29, 2008

Things You Don't Want to Hear During Your Surgery

Saturday, February 23, 2008

December 2007 PRC Nursing Board Exam Results

I didn't know how to react when I've heard that Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan College of Nursing didn't have it's normal turn out of 100%. Ever since the opening of the College of Nursing, it had always garnered a 100% passing rate (well except for one time when it had a 99% passing rate). But never the less, Xavier University has once again proven that it's graduates are not to be looked down at. Nurses who graduate from Xavier University are certified to have the 3 C's: Competence, Commitment, and Compassion...

I am proud to announce that my school is the 2nd Best Nursing School in the Philippines as of the December 2007 PRC Nursing Board Exams. XU had a passing rate of 98% (still close to 100%) with 229 passers out of 233 examinees. I pity the 4 who failed because they not only carry the burden of failing but also the shame and the pressure of being the cause of XU's decreased passing mark... but we cannot blame them because the board exam is not easy. Imagine out of the 67,728 board takers, only 28,924 (or 43.42 percent) passed!

I am also proud that there are topnotchers from my school namely:

Top 6: Katrina Victoria Luceno Akut, Xavier University, 86.00 percent.
Top 8: Hernessa Torralba Hernandez, Xavier University, 85.60 percent.

There are also topnotchers from a sister school, Ateneo de Davao University! But I won't be amazed because it is Ateneo of course.

For more info and proof that I'm not making this whole up please visit this link: Inquirer

Or you can go to the official site of PRC: PRC Board Exam Results

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Beer and Fireworks = Bad Combination

Beer and Fireworks = Bad Combination

This is just one of the many reasons why I don't drink and why I highly discourage anyone else from drinking. Beer makes someone lose their selves for a while. Beer is a very good CNS depressant so your thinking and good judgement are impaired. This is the reason why there are so many drunk people out there who does stupid things like murder, rape, theft, and just plainly making a fool of themselves by lying unconscious on street corners. Not to mention that most vehicular related accidents are caused by drunk drivers.

There are so many health risks that I could give you that is related to drinking.
  • Increased risk of accidents
  • strokes caused by bleeding
  • medication interactions - including non-prescription drugs
  • breast cancer - alcohol increases estrogen levels, which is a risk for premenopausal women
  • birth defects - fetal alcohol effect (FAE) and low birth weight
  • liver cirrhosis
  • heavier drinking - many people, such as recovering alcoholics, can't maintain moderation

Not to mention that drinking could actually lead to an alcohol induced neurosis or dementia. I'll blog about this in a separare blog.

So for alcoholics out there limit drinking. For those thinking of starting drinking, don't start.

My First Coverpage at Seventeen

This is my very first coverpage! I was quite shy at first and hesitant to pose during the pictorials but as soon as I got the hang of it everything went as if I've been modeling for many years now...

Hahaha... if only the things I said were true. But you might have noticed by now that this magazine cover is a fake one. But it does have some appeal right?

I have always wondered how people made magazine covers with their pictures as it's coverpage. My wondering has finally been solved when I discovered

Just go to and then you can upload your photo and choose from several magazine covers. You can then easily post them to your blogger, myspace, or any other accounts with a click of a button.

What are you waiting for? Take your pictures now for your very own glamorous cover page!

My Definition of Doom

Doom as defined by is the following:

1. Inevitable destruction or ruin.
2. Fate, especially a tragic or ruinous one.
3. A decision or judgment, especially an official condemnation to a severe penalty.
4. Judgment Day.
5. A statute or ordinance, especially one in force in Anglo-Saxon England.

But in my own personal life, doom is my inability to manage my time effectively and mismanaging my priorities. So what happens next? My work and responsibilities piles up and I am unable to prepare for these responsibilities well enough resulting in massive and successive failures.

Time is not on my side here people. I still have a lot of things to do and I am panicking already. It's quite handy though that I have an excuse for being tardy and lazy. And this excuse is the nursing life is hard and difficult. This is even manifested by the great number of casualties in the college of nursing at Xavier Universirty...

But I have no one else to blame but myself... at least I'm not failing in medical-surgical nursing but I could have received a higher grade than C if only I studied. Anyway, it's too late for regrets now and I've gotten over it already. At least my RLE is a B-.

I have a lot of things on my mind that I want to blog right now but I just don't have the time so I'll go back to my studies now and I'll be sure to update my blog as soon as I can. Maybe this coming Saturday or so...