Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What I Did Today

I wish I could say that I have a very productive sem-break but I don't. Infact, I haven't been doing anything special for the past days ever since I was on vacation. As usual, I'mbored to death and am already begging to go back to school... but I won't repeat what I say every time I'm on school breaks...

What I did today... wake up... eat... take a bath... watch detective conan... surf the net... eat lunch... surf the net... watch tv... snack... play legends of zelda... listen to music... and now currently blogging... exciting huh? Oh yes, don't forget to forget chatting and fighting someone who hates people with extensive vocabulary compared to hers. My day is really something...

Why can't I be like Ellen, a friend of mine, who has another recollection somewhere... She's been into so many recollections and retreats already that I won't wonder why she decided to enter the seminary but I could be wrong... hehehe...

Anyway nothing exciting is happening in my life, not that I am looking for excitement. I mean I want to do something productive for a change... like a job (not cleaning the house thank you, but it's a good idea though) or write a song or something... but I'm simply don't have any inspiration and my creative juices (if I have any) have already run out dry.

I feel like I don't know how to think aymore and I'm becoming very stupid by the second... I wonder how many brain cells have died already from doing nothing and thinking about nothing...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Pandora's Box! Great Music!!!

Guys I just want to share Pandora's Box. They said
that Pandora's Box contained all evil in the world
but did you know that it also contains great
music? Nah, I'm lying...

Anyway, do you want to be your own DJ of your own
radio station? Then visit
for great music and artists and songs of your

This is the Music Genome Project! Want to discover
more artists and songs that fits your tastes? Then
visit Pandora! It's free!

On Mistakes

We have to admit that doing nothing can sometimes be very productive. It gives you time to reflect and for some, this is the perfect opportunity to let all the creative juices flow. As for me, it is in these times of dullness and stillness that I suddenly get hit by great ideas and realizations.

It is in these times of dullness for example that I have once again realized that I shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes. Sure I have chosen the wrong choices and taken the wrong paths but this should not be a hindrance or even an excuse for failure. Yes, these mistakes will make us stronger and will serve as a good lesson as not to commit similar mistakes in the future.

Yes I have made dumb mistakes in my life that still makes me gag and look at myself with hate and disgust. But what’s done is done. I could never change the past. I have to live my life and continue my journey for the search of myself and my destiny.

I am happier with myself now and even content. Sure we all commit mistakes sometimes; it is these mistakes that prove that we are only human. What really matters is how we handle these mistakes. We can either allow our mistakes ruin our lives or we can use this negativity and transform it to something positive. As long as there is hope and strong will, nothing is impossible.

Don’t be afraid to commit mistakes… but a piece of advice. If you know it’s going to be a mistake, then why go through it right?

Friday, October 13, 2006

How is you?

"Hay ebryone, how is you?"

Everytime we hear someone who speaks bamboo-English (bad Englsih) we can't help but laugh... But I don't find anything to laugh about with this fact. The fact is Filipinos are known for their bad English and illeteracy... we have the so called "masa" or the masses (poor people) who aren't educated that contributes to the high illiteracy rate and not to mention the poverty count.

I can excuse the people who haven't attended school but college students?!!! I once chatted online with someone from Cagayan de Oro who studies in one of the colleges here (he's not from Xavier University... thank goodness!) and God! He sure is dumb!

I'm sorry but I can't just help it. He has no excuse to have that bad grammar! Sure being able to speak good English will not help him become richer but at least it would give him pride that he's educated and is smart (linguistic IQ)!

This either states that the Philippine's education system is down the drain or today's youth posses low IQ and not to mention EQ.

Charness Char Char!

I've been watching MTV China (or was it MTV Asia) awhile ago and I really enjoyed it. The songs were in Chinese so I didn't understand anything but I really felt their message. The scenarios were also excellent... It was like watching a mini-movie and it was very cool!

There were a lot of similarities that I found in all of the videos:

  1. Water - Almost all of the videos I had seen had something to do with water...
  2. Love - Love is the central theme of the songs... heartbreak songs to be exact... (does this mean that this generation's lovelife doesn't last forever?)
  3. Fashion - These Asian artists are sure fashionable... not to mention HOT!!! Hehehe...
But watching the movies made me feel good... It sort of helped me realize that I'm still searching forwho I really am... and I'm not alone...