Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Update on me... whatever...

Nothing new is happening to my life right now. I'm just playing Final Fantasy VIII to keep me busy and I love it! I'm already on the last CD and I'm about to finish it! It's a very good game. On my phone I installed Lufia the Legend Returns (Gameboy Advance) to keep me entertained while on the road or something. Why am I keeping myself so entertained? Because I'm bored! I have nothing better to do and I can't even explain why I'm already so excited to go to school! Well I have to admit that I love school, it's the only thing I'm good at so why blunder or fail right? I'm really determined to finish nursing but I don't want to end there. I really want to become a doctor. I wanted to become a nurse but the reason of most nurses sicken me. Yes, we do need money to survive but they give nurses the image of prostitutes doing everything for money. Money money money! I hate it! But aside from that, there are also nurses who chose nursing as their career because they simply wanted to help and that it's their calling. These are the kind of nurses I look up to and want to be someday, before I becoem a doctor that is.

Now, you might think I'm a heartless self-centered person for saying those things. But your wrong... sometimes I jsut want that to be true so rthat I wont feel the pain of being hurt by people all the time. That's why i play RPGs. Yes, it might be because I prefer to be in a different world where I have the power so that no one can hurt me any longer.

But that's life... isn't it... it's unfair.

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